COUNT Function in☝️ Google Sheets Explained (Definition, Syntax, How to Use It, Examples)

This guide covers everything you need to know about the Google Sheets COUNT function, including its definition, syntax, use cases, and how to use it.

What is the COUNT Function? How Does It Work?

The COUNT function in Google Sheets returns the number of numeric values in a dataset. It works by examining a specific range of cells you’ve selected, then counts them and returns the total number of cells that contain numbers.

The primary purpose of the COUNT function is to streamline data analysis. Rather than manually counting cells with numeric values, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors, the COUNT function automates the process, saving time and improving accuracy. It’s particularly handy when dealing with extensive data requiring quick numeric value assessments.

It’s important to note that the COUNT function does not count cells containing text, error values, or empty cells.

COUNT Syntax

The syntax and arguments for the function are as follows:

COUNT(value1, [value2, …])


  • value1 is the first value or range that will be considered for counting.
  • [value2, …] is an optional argument for additional values or ranges that can be considered for counting.

Here are some important usage notes regarding the syntax and arguments:

  • The arguments can either be individual numerical values or ranges containing numerical values.
  • The COUNT function only counts cells that contain numbers. It will ignore cells with text, logical values, or empty cells.
  • The function can take up to 255 arguments, which can be numbers or ranges containing numbers.
  • If an argument is a range of cells, and some of the cells in the range have subtotals, the function will not count the subtotals.
  • The function is not case-sensitive. It treats uppercase and lowercase text in the same way.
  • The COUNT function is volatile, meaning it will recalculate every time a worksheet is recalculated, even if no values that the function references have changed.

Examples of How to Use the COUNT Function

Here are some practical examples showing how to use the COUNT function in Google Sheets.

Example #1: Counting Numeric Values in a Range

Let’s say you have a list of different values in column A (from A2 to A12) and want to know how many of them are numbers. You can use the COUNT function as follows:


This formula will return the number of cells in the range A2:A12 that contain numbers. If there are cells with text, dates, or blank cells, they will not be included in the count.

Example #2: Counting Specific Numbers in a Range

Suppose you have a list of numbers in column B (from B2 to B15) and want to count how many of them are greater than 5. You cannot use the COUNT function directly for this, but you can combine it with the IF function:

=COUNT(IF(B2:B15>5, B2:B15))

This formula will return the number of cells in the range B2:B15 that contain numbers greater than 5.

Example #3: Counting Cells with Specific Numbers Across Multiple Ranges

Suppose you want to count the number of cells that contain the number 10 in multiple ranges (D2:D10, E2:E10, F2:F10). You can use the COUNT function as follows:

=COUNT(D2:D10, E2:E10, F2:F10, 10)

This formula will return the number of cells that contain the number 10 in D2:D10, E2:E10, and F2:F10.

COUNT: Common Mistakes & Problems

When using the COUNT function in Google Sheets, there are several common mistakes and problems that users often encounter. Being aware of these pitfalls can help you avoid them and use the function more effectively:

  • Incorrect Data Type: The COUNT function only counts cells that contain numeric values. If you attempt to use it on cells containing text, boolean values, or error values, it will not count them. This can lead to unexpected results if you’re not aware of the data types in your range.
  • Empty Cells: The COUNT function will not count empty cells. If your range includes empty cells, these will be ignored, leading to discrepancies if you expect them to be counted.
  • Hidden Rows and Columns: The COUNT function will count hidden rows and columns. If you’re trying to count only visible cells, you need to use a different function, such as SUBTOTAL.
  • Non-Contiguous Ranges: The COUNT function can handle non-contiguous ranges, but you need to separate each range with a comma. If you don’t do this, you’ll get an error.
  • Overlooking COUNTA and COUNTIF: Sometimes, the COUNT function might not be the best function for your needs. For instance, if you want to count cells with any type of data (not just numeric), you should use COUNTA. If you want to count cells that meet a certain condition, you should use COUNTIF.
  • Not Considering Date and Time: Dates and times are stored as numbers in Google Sheets, so the COUNT function will count cells containing dates and times. However, if you’re trying to count cells with specific dates or times, you’ll need to use a function like COUNTIF or COUNTIFS.
  • Not Understanding How COUNT Interprets Logical Expressions: If a logical expression (like a comparison) is included in the range, COUNT will return an error. This is because it only counts numeric values, and a logical expression is not a numeric value.

Why Is COUNT Not Working? Troubleshooting Common Errors

If you’re having trouble with the COUNT function in Google Sheets, you’re not alone. There are several common errors users encounter while using this function. In this section, we’ll provide a detailed explanation of these errors, their causes, and solutions.

#DIV/0! Error

Cause: This error is commonly caused when you are trying to divide a number by zero or a cell that contains no value within your COUNT function.

Solution: Verify the cells that are included in your formula. Ensure that none of the cells are empty or contain zero if they are being used as a divisor. You can replace the zero with a small number if necessary to avoid this error.

#VALUE! Error

Cause: This error occurs when your COUNT function references a range that includes text or non-numeric values.

Solution: You can either remove the non-numeric values from your range or use the COUNTA function to count all types of data, including text and error values.

#REF! Error

Cause: This error often occurs when the cell reference within your COUNT function is not valid. This may happen if you’ve deleted a row, column, or entire worksheet that was referenced in your formula.

Solution: Double-check your formula to ensure all cell references are correct. If you have deleted a row, column, or worksheet, you need to update your formula to reflect the current data range.

#NAME? Error

Cause: This error typically happens when Google Sheets doesn’t recognize the text in the formula. For instance, if you misspelled COUNT as COUN, Sheets will give you a #NAME? error.

Solution: Review your formula for any spelling mistakes or syntax errors. Ensure that you spelled COUNT correctly and that all parentheses and commas are in the correct place.

#NUM! Error

Cause: This error is less common in COUNT functions, but it may occur if your range includes a cell with a number that’s too large or too small for Google Sheets to handle.

Solution: Check the cells in your range to ensure none contain excessively large or small numbers. If they do, you may need to adjust these numbers to be within the acceptable range for Google Sheets.

#N/A Error

Cause: This error usually occurs when a formula like VLOOKUP or MATCH can’t find the value it’s looking for. However, this error could occur in a COUNT function if the range specified does not exist or cannot be found.

Solution: Ensure that your specified range exists and is correctly referenced in your formula. You may need to update your formula to reflect these changes if you’ve recently moved or deleted cells.

For more details on the COUNT function, check out the official documentation at the Google Docs Editors Help Center.

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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith is automation consultant with a passion for technology, data, AI, and machine learning.

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