Spreadsheet Daddy

Advanced AI-driven productivity and automation tool for Google Sheets™

The add-on allows users to leverage the power of OpenAI and other AI models to perform a wide range of tasks, from data entry to content generation.

No OpenAI account is needed since everything is run through our account with fine-tuned prompts.

Please see this video to see how the add-on works.

Usage & Core Features

The add-on supports the following functionality:

  • AI – This feature allows the user to create and execute any AI prompt in Google Sheets™. The user can use cell references to build a prompt that can be executed for multiple cells, columns, or rows.
  • Custom AI Models – This feature allows the user to create and train custom AI models with their own data to drastically increase the accuracy and quality of AI output.
  • Formula Generator – This feature allows the user to generate a Google Sheets™ formula or function based on their text prompt.
  • Formula Explainer – This feature allows the user to generate an AI-driven explanation of the formula the user submits.
  • AppsScript Generator – This feature allows the user to generate Google Apps Script code from the prompt the user submits.
  • Apps Script Explainer – This feature allows the user to generate the detailed explanation of the Google Apps Script code submitted by the user.
  • Regex Generator – This feature allows the user to generate a custom regular expression based on the prompt submitted by the user.

Please contact us for help using this form

The Spreadsheet Daddy add-on rebrands to Synterrix. Click here to learn more.