BYCOL: Google Sheets Functions Explained☝️ (Definition, Syntax, How to Use It, Examples)

This guide covers everything you need to know about the Google Sheets BYCOL Function: its definition, syntax, use cases, examples, and usage notes.

What is the BYCOL Function? How Does It Work?

The BYCOL function allows users to group an array or range by columns by applying a LAMBDA function to each column. This function is particularly useful for analyzing data across columns, as it can apply a specific operation or calculation to each column independently.

The purpose of the BYCOL function is to streamline and simplify data analysis in Google Sheets. By applying a LAMBDA function to each column in a given array or range, users can perform complex calculations or operations on a column-by-column basis without needing to manually manipulate each column individually. This can save a significant amount of time and effort, particularly when working with large datasets.

The BYCOL function works by taking two arguments: an array or a range and a LAMBDA function. The LAMBDA function is applied to each column in the given array or range, and the results are grouped by column. The LAMBDA function should accept exactly one name argument, which corresponds to a column in the input array.

For example, if you wanted to find the maximum value in each column of a range, you could use the BYCOL function with the MAX function as your LAMBDA. The BYCOL function would apply the MAX function to each column in your range and return a row-array with the maximum value from each column.

It’s important to note that every column should be grouped into a single value. Array results for grouped values aren’t supported by the BYCOL function. Additionally, a named function can be passed for the LAMBDA parameter and behaves like a LAMBDA in this case.

In summary, the BYCOL function is a versatile tool that can greatly enhance your ability to analyze and manipulate data in Google Sheets. By allowing you to apply a LAMBDA function to each column in a given array or range, it provides a simple and efficient way to perform complex operations on a column-by-column basis.

BYCOL Syntax

The syntax and arguments for the BYCOL function in Google Sheets are as follows:


BYCOL(array_or_range, LAMBDA)


  1. array_or_range: This is the array or range that you want to group by columns.
  2. LAMBDA: This is a LAMBDA function that is applied to each column in the given array or range to obtain its grouped value.


  • The LAMBDA function passed to BYCOL should accept exactly 1 name argument. If it accepts more than 1 argument, an #N/A error will be returned.
  • Each column in the array or range should be grouped to a single value. Array results for grouped values are not supported.
  • You can also pass a named function for the LAMBDA parameter, which behaves like a LAMBDA function. However, the named function should have exactly 1 argument placeholder defined, and parentheses should not follow the named function.

Examples of How to Use the BYCOL Function

The BYCOL function in Google Sheets allows you to apply a specified function to each column in a range. This is a powerful tool that can simplify complex calculations and improve efficiency in your workflow. In this section, we’ll provide several practical examples of how to use the BYCOL function.

Example 1: Calculating the Sum of Each Column

Let’s say you have a range of numbers in columns A through C and you want to calculate the sum of each column. Here’s how you can do it using the BYCOL function:

=BYCOL(A1:C3, LAMBDA(x, SUM(x)))

In this formula, A1:C3 is the range, LAMBDA(x, SUM(x)) is the function being applied, and ‘x’ is the variable representing each column in the range.

Example 2: Finding the Maximum Value in Each Column

Similarly, you can use the BYCOL function to find the maximum value in each column. For instance, if you want to find the maximum value in each column in the range A1:C3, you can use the following formula:

=BYCOL(A1:C3, LAMBDA(x, MAX(x)))

Example 3: Calculating the Average of Each Column

If you want to calculate the average of each column in a range, you can use the BYCOL function in combination with the AVERAGE function. Here’s how you can do it:


In this formula, the AVERAGE function is applied to each column in the range A1:C3.

Example 4: Counting the Number of Cells in Each Column

The BYCOL function can also be used to count the number of cells in each column of a range. Here’s an example:


In this example, the COUNTA function is used to count the number of cells in each column in the range A1:C3.

BYCOL: Common Mistakes & Problems

When using the BYCOL function in Google Sheets, there are several common mistakes and problems that users often encounter. Knowing these can help you troubleshoot any issues you may encounter and use the function more effectively:

  • Incorrect Range Reference: One of the most common mistakes is improperly referring to the range. Remember, the BYCOL function operates on columns of data. If you accidentally refer to a single cell or a row of cells, the function will not work correctly. Always ensure your range reference includes the entire column of data you wish to analyze.
  • Incorrect Function Syntax: Another common mistake is using the incorrect syntax. The correct syntax for the BYCOL function is BYCOL(function, range). If you do not use this exact syntax, the function will not work. Always double-check your syntax before running the function.
  • Using the Wrong Function: In the BYCOL function, you need to specify another function for it to apply to each column in the range. Some users make the mistake of using a function that doesn’t work with columns of data. Make sure the function you specify can operate on a column of data.
  • Ignoring Errors: The BYCOL function returns an error if it encounters one during its operation. Some users ignore these errors or do not understand what they mean. Always investigate any errors returned by the function to understand what went wrong.
  • Not Using Array Formulas: The BYCOL function is designed to work with array formulas, which can operate on a range of cells at once. If you’re not familiar with array formulas, you might make the mistake of not using them with the BYCOL function. Learning how to use array formulas can help you use the BYCOL function more effectively.
  • Neglecting Data Types: The BYCOL function can handle different data types, but you need to ensure that the data type in each column matches the function you’re applying. If it doesn’t, the function may not work correctly or may return incorrect results.
  • Overlooking Empty Cells: The BYCOL function will ignore empty cells in the range. However, if you have formulas that depend on the number of cells in a column, this can cause problems. Always be aware of how empty cells in your range might affect your results.

Understanding these common mistakes and problems can help you use the BYCOL function more effectively and avoid any issues.

Why Is BYCOL Not Working? Troubleshooting Common Errors

If you’re using the BYCOL function in Google Sheets and encounter issues, it’s likely due to a few common errors. Understanding these errors, their causes, and how to fix them can help you get back on track quickly.

Invalid Argument Error

Cause: This error occurs when the BYCOL function receives an argument that it doesn’t recognize or can’t process. For example, you might have included a string of text when the function was expecting a number or a range.

Solution: Check the arguments you’ve entered into your BYCOL function. Make sure they match the expected format and type. If you’re unsure about what kind of argument to use, refer back to the function’s syntax for guidance.

Range Error

Cause: This error happens when the range specified in the BYCOL function doesn’t exist. For example, if you’ve specified a range that goes beyond the current spreadsheet’s size or if you’ve mistyped the range’s coordinates.

Solution: Review the range you’ve specified in your function. Make sure it exists within your spreadsheet and that you’ve entered it correctly. Remember that ranges should be specified in the ‘A1:B2’ format.

Value Error

Cause: This error is triggered when the BYCOL function encounters a value it can’t process. This could be because the value is of the wrong type or because it’s outside the function’s expected range.

Solution: Check the values within the range you’ve specified for your BYCOL function. Ensure they’re of the correct type and within the expected range. If you’re unsure about what kind of values the function can process, refer back to its syntax for guidance.

Array Result was not Expanded Error

Cause: This error occurs when the array that the BYCOL function is trying to return is too large for the space available on the spreadsheet.

Solution: Make sure there’s enough space on your spreadsheet for the array that the BYCOL function is trying to return. If necessary, clear out or move existing cells to create more space.

Loading Error

Cause: This error happens when the BYCOL function takes too long to return a result. This could be because the function is processing a large amount of data or because your internet connection is slow.

Solution: If your function is processing a large amount of data, consider breaking it down into smaller, more manageable chunks. If your internet connection is slow, try running the function again when you have a stronger connection.

Using BYCOL With Other Google Sheets Functions

Combining BYCOL with other functions in Google Sheets can significantly enhance your data manipulation capabilities. This section will walk you through various examples of how you can use BYCOL with other functions for more advanced data processing.


Usage: To count the number of cells in a range that meet certain conditions.

Example: If you want to count the number of cells in a column that have a value greater than 10, you could use the BYCOL function in combination with the COUNT function as follows:

=BYCOL(A1:A10, LAMBDA(x, COUNTIF(x, “>10”)))

With SUM

Usage: To add up the values in a column.

Example: If you want to sum all the values in a column, you could use the BYCOL function in combination with the SUM function as follows:

=BYCOL(A1:A10, LAMBDA(x, SUM(x)))


Usage: To calculate the average of the values in a column.

Example: If you want to calculate the average of all the values in a column, you could use the BYCOL function in combination with the AVERAGE function as follows:


With MAX

Usage: To find the maximum value in a column.

Example: If you want to find the maximum value in a column, you could use the BYCOL function in combination with the MAX function as follows:

=BYCOL(A1:A10, LAMBDA(x, MAX(x)))

With MIN

Usage: To find the minimum value in a column.

Example: If you want to find the minimum value in a column, you could use the BYCOL function in combination with the MIN function as follows:

=BYCOL(A1:A10, LAMBDA(x, MIN(x)))

These are just a few of the many ways you can use the BYCOL function with other functions in Google Sheets. The key is to understand the unique capabilities of each function and how they can complement each other when used in combination.

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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith is automation consultant with a passion for technology, data, AI, and machine learning.

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