COTH Function in☝️ Google Sheets Explained (Definition, Syntax, How to Use It, Examples)

This guide covers everything you need to know about the Google Sheets COTH function, including its definition, syntax, use cases, and how to use it.

What is the COTH Function? How Does It Work?

The COTH function returns the hyperbolic cotangent of any real number. It’s a mathematical function in Google Sheets that can help perform computations related to the hyperbolic cotangent, a concept in trigonometry. The hyperbolic cotangent is the reciprocal of the hyperbolic tangent, and its value is usually expressed as a real number.

The purpose of the COTH function is to provide an easy and quick calculation of the hyperbolic cotangent of a given value. This can be particularly useful in fields like engineering, mathematics, physics, and other areas where trigonometric calculations are required.

The way the COTH function operates is simple: it takes a single argument as an input, which is the value for which you want to find the hyperbolic cotangent. The input value can either be a direct number, like ‘1’, or a cell reference, like ‘A1’, containing the number.

For example, if you use the COTH function with ‘1’ as the input (COTH(1)), the function will return the hyperbolic cotangent of 1, which is approximately 1.313035285. Similarly, if you use it with ‘-1’ as the input (COTH(-1)), it will return -1.313035285.

COTH Syntax

The syntax and arguments for the COTH function in Google Sheets are as follows:


The ‘value’ argument is any real number for which you want to calculate the hyperbolic cotangent.

Here are some important notes about the syntax and arguments of the COTH function:

  • The ‘value’ argument can be a direct number, a reference to a cell containing a number, or a result from another function or formula.
  • If the ‘value’ argument is not a real number, Google Sheets will return an error.
  • The ‘value’ argument is required. If you do not provide a value, Google Sheets will return an error.
  • The COTH function in Google Sheets works with radians, not degrees. If you have an angle in degrees, you should first convert it to radians before using it as the ‘value’ argument in the COTH function.
  • If the ‘value’ argument is zero, the COTH function will return a #DIV/0! error. This is because the hyperbolic cotangent of zero is undefined.
  • The COTH function will return a positive value if the ‘value’ argument is positive, and a negative value if the ‘value’ argument is negative.
  • The COTH function is not case-sensitive. You can use either uppercase or lowercase letters when entering the function into a cell.
  • The result of the COTH function is a real number.

Examples of How to Use the COTH Function

Here are some practical examples of how to use the COTH function in Google Sheets.

Example #1: Basic COTH Function

Let’s start with a simple example. Suppose you have the number 1 in cell A1, and you want to find the hyperbolic cotangent of this number.

In cell B1, you would enter the formula “=COTH(A1)”. The result would be approximately 1.3130352854, which is the hyperbolic cotangent of 1.

Example #2: COTH Function with a Negative Value

Now, let’s try the COTH function with a negative value.

If you have the number -2 in cell A2, you would enter “=COTH(A2)”. The result would be approximately -1.0373147207, which is the hyperbolic cotangent of -2.

Example #3: COTH Function with a Fraction

You can also use the COTH function with fractions.

If you have the fraction 1/2 in cell A3, you would enter “=COTH(A3)”. The result would be approximately 2.1639534137, which is the hyperbolic cotangent of 1/2.

Why Is COTH Not Working? Troubleshooting Common Errors

If you encounter difficulties while using the COTH function in Google Sheets, it’s likely due to one of several common errors. Here are the most frequently encountered problems, their causes, and how to rectify them.

#VALUE! Error


The #VALUE! error often occurs when the argument or input value entered into the COTH function is non-numeric.


Ensure that the value you input into the COTH function is a numeric value. If you have referenced a cell, make sure that the cell contains a numeric value and not text or another non-numeric data type.

#NUM! Error


The #NUM! error is displayed when the input value for the COTH function is zero. This is because the hyperbolic cotangent of zero is undefined; it’s mathematically impossible to compute.


To solve this issue, ensure that the argument you provide to the COTH function is not zero. If you are referencing a cell, make sure that the cell does not contain zero.

#DIV/0! Error


The #DIV/0! error typically occurs when the COTH function tries to divide a number by zero, which is not mathematically possible.


Recheck your formula to ensure that there’s no division by zero. If you are referencing a cell as the argument, ensure that the cell does not contain zero.

#NAME? Error


The #NAME? error usually appears when the function name is misspelled. Google Sheets will not recognize the function and, thus, can’t perform the calculation.


Ensure that the function name is spelled correctly. It should be “COTH” and not any other variation.

#REF! Error


The #REF! error is displayed when the cell reference provided in the COTH function is invalid. This usually happens when a referenced cell has been deleted.


Check your formula to ensure all referenced cells are valid and have not been deleted. If a referenced cell has been deleted, restore it or update the formula to reference a valid cell.

Using COTH With Other Google Sheets Functions

Combining the COTH function with other Google Sheets functions can enhance its utility and help you perform more complex calculations. This section will demonstrate how to use COTH with other commonly used Google Sheets functions.

With SUM

Usage: If you want to take the sum of the hyperbolic cotangent of several numbers, you can combine COTH with the SUM function.

Example: Suppose you have the numbers 1, 2, and 3 in cells A1, A2, and A3 respectively. You can compute the sum of their hyperbolic cotangents with the formula =SUM(COTH(A1), COTH(A2), COTH(A3)).


Usage: If you want to calculate the average of the hyperbolic cotangent of a range of numbers, you can combine COTH with the AVERAGE function.

Example: If you have the numbers 1, 2, and 3 in cells A1, A2, and A3, respectively, you can compute the average of their hyperbolic cotangents with the formula =AVERAGE(COTH(A1), COTH(A2), COTH(A3)).

With MAX and MIN

Usage: If you want to find the maximum or minimum value of the hyperbolic cotangent of a range of numbers, you can combine COTH with the MAX or MIN function.

Example: If you have the numbers 1, 2, and 3 in cells A1, A2, and A3 respectively, you can find the maximum or minimum of their hyperbolic cotangents with the formulas =MAX(COTH(A1), COTH(A2), COTH(A3)) or =MIN(COTH(A1), COTH(A2), COTH(A3)) respectively.

With IF

Usage: You can use the IF function with COTH to create conditions.

Example: If you want to check if the hyperbolic cotangent of a number in cell A1 is greater than 2, you can use the formula =IF(COTH(A1)>2, “True”, “False”). This formula will return “True” if the condition is met and “False” otherwise.

These are just a few examples of how the COTH function can be combined with other Google Sheets functions. The possibilities are endless, and you can experiment with other combinations to suit your specific needs.

For more details on the COTH function, check out the official documentation at the Google Docs Editors Help Center.

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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith is automation consultant with a passion for technology, data, AI, and machine learning.

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