ROW Function in☝️ Google Sheets Explained (Definition, Syntax, How to Use It, Examples)

This guide covers everything you need to know about the Google Sheets ROW function, including its definition, syntax, use cases, and how to use it.

What is the ROW Function? How Does It Work?

The ROW function is a feature in Google Sheets that returns the row number of a specified cell. In essence, it helps you to identify the exact position of a cell within a spreadsheet by providing its row number. This becomes particularly useful when dealing with large spreadsheets where manually counting rows becomes tedious and error-prone.

When using the ROW function, you specify a cell reference or use it without any arguments. If you specify a cell reference like ROW(A9), it will return the row number of that cell, which in this case is 9. If used without any arguments, it will default to the cell in which the formula is entered. For instance, if you write =ROW() in cell B5, it will return 5 because it’s in the fifth row.

One important point to note is when a cell reference range is more than one cell wide, and the formula is not used as an array formula, the ROW function will only return the numeric value of the first row in that cell reference.

Apart from providing the row number of a specific cell, the ROW function can also be used in conjunction with other functions for more complex tasks. For example, you can combine it with INDEX, MATCH, or VLOOKUP functions to perform advanced data analysis tasks.

ROW Syntax

The syntax and arguments for the ROW function in Google Sheets are as follows:

Syntax: ROW([cell_reference])

  • cell_reference: This is an optional argument. If not specified, the formula will consider the cell in which it is entered by default. This argument represents the cell whose row number you wish to return.

Here are some important usage notes regarding the syntax and arguments of the ROW function:

  • The cell_reference argument can be a single cell or a range of cells. If it’s a range, the ROW function will only return the row number of the first cell in the range unless the function is used as an array formula.
  • If the cell_reference argument is omitted, the ROW function will return the cell’s row number where the formula is entered. This means that if you simply enter =ROW() in a cell, the function will return the row number of that cell.
  • The ROW function returns a numeric value representing the row number of the specified cell. For example, if you use the ROW function with a cell_reference of A9 (i.e., =ROW(A9)), the function will return 9 because A9 is the 9th row in the spreadsheet.
  • The ROW function is not case-sensitive. This means that =ROW(A9) and =ROW(a9) will produce the same result.
  • The ROW function can be nested within other functions to provide row numbers for calculations or data manipulation tasks.
  • If the cell_reference argument is a range that is more than one cell wide and the formula is not used as an array formula, only the numeric value of the first row in cell_reference is returned. For example, if you use the ROW function with a cell_reference of A9:B10 (i.e., =ROW(A9:B10)), the function will return 9 because A9 is the first cell in the specified range.

Examples of How to Use the ROW Function

Here are some practical examples of how you can use the ROW function in Google Sheets.

Example #1: Using the ROW Function to Create a Serial Number Column

If you have a list of items and you want to create a column of serial numbers, you can use the ROW function. Here’s how you can do it:


This function will return a serial number for each row. The “-ROW($A$1)+1” part of the formula is used to start the numbering from 1.

Example #2: Using the ROW Function to Count Rows

The ROW function can be used to count the number of rows in a range. For example, if you want to count the number of rows in the range A1:A10, you can use the ROW function like this:


This function will return 10 because there are 10 rows in the range A1:A10.

ROW: Common Mistakes & Problems

When using the ROW function in Google Sheets, users often encounter several common mistakes and problems. Understanding these issues can help you avoid them and use the ROW function more effectively:

  • Incorrect Reference: The ROW function returns the row number of a reference. If you don’t provide a reference, the ROW function returns the row number of the cell containing the formula. An error occurs if you enter an invalid reference.
  • Using Non-Existent Rows: If you enter a row number that does not exist in the sheet, the ROW function will return an error. Make sure the row number you enter exists in the sheet.
  • Neglecting Array Formulas: The ROW function can be used with array formulas to return an array of row numbers. However, if you forget to enter the ROW function as an array formula, it will only return the row number of the first cell in the range.
  • Incorrect Data Types: The ROW function only works with cell references or ranges. If you try to use it with other data types, such as text or numbers, it will return an error.
  • Misunderstanding of the ROW Function: Some users mistakenly think that the ROW function can return the values in a row. In actuality, the ROW function only returns the row number, not the values in the row.
  • Confusing with the COLUMN Function: The ROW function is often confused with the COLUMN function. Remember, the ROW function returns the row number of a reference, whereas the COLUMN function returns the column number.

By understanding and avoiding these common mistakes and problems, you can use the ROW function in Google Sheets more effectively.

Why Is ROW Not Working? Troubleshooting Common Errors

If you’re struggling with using the ROW function in Google Sheets, it could be due to a number of common errors.

#VALUE! Error

Cause: This error typically occurs when the function doesn’t recognize the input value. In the case of the ROW function, this can happen if you’re trying to reference a cell that doesn’t exist or if you’re using the wrong data type.

Solution: To correct this error, double-check your formula to ensure you’re referencing existing cells. Also, make sure your data types are correct. The ROW function expects a cell reference; if you’re inputting a string or a number, it will result in an error.

#N/A Error

Cause: The #N/A error usually signifies that the function couldn’t find the data it sought. In the context of the ROW function, this could mean that the referenced cell is empty.

Solution: To resolve this issue, verify that the cell you’re referencing in your formula isn’t empty. If it’s supposed to be empty and you still need to use the ROW function, consider using an IF function to handle these cases and avoid errors.

#REF! Error

Cause: This error occurs when a formula references a cell that doesn’t exist or isn’t currently available. If you use the ROW function with a cell that has been deleted or moved, you might encounter this error.

Solution: To fix this, ensure the cell you’re referencing in your ROW function exists and is accessible. If you’ve deleted a row or column, you might need to adjust your formula to reference the correct, existing cells.

#NUM! Error

Cause: The #NUM! error is typically caused by numerical issues, such as using non-numeric values in a function that requires numbers. However, this error is rare with the ROW function since ROW doesn’t require numeric inputs.

Solution: If you encounter this error, it’s likely a problem elsewhere in your formula or spreadsheet. Check your other functions and calculations for non-numeric values used in numeric operations.

#DIV/0! Error

Cause: This error occurs when a formula tries to divide by zero, which isn’t permitted in mathematics. The ROW function doesn’t inherently involve division, so if you encounter this error, it’s likely coming from another part of your formula.

Solution: Review your formula to identify any division operations. Ensure that no denominator in your formula is zero or could potentially be evaluated as zero. Use an IF function to handle cases where a denominator might be zero if necessary.

#ERROR! Error

Cause: This is a general error that could signify a number of issues. With the ROW function, it could indicate a problem with the cell reference or data type.

Solution: Check your cell references and data types as you would with the #VALUE! error. Additionally, ensure that your formula doesn’t exceed Google Sheets’ cell limit of 5 million cells per workbook.

Using ROW With Other Google Sheets Functions

Combining the ROW function with other Google Sheets functions can provide even more advanced capabilities. Here are some examples:


Usage: The INDEX function in Google Sheets returns the content of a cell, specified by row and column offset. Combined with ROW, it can help dynamically return the content from a specific cell.

Example: Suppose you have data in cells A1 to A5, and you want to return the cell’s content in the 3rd row. You can use the formula =INDEX(A1:A5, ROW(A3)). This will return the content of cell A3.


Usage: The INDIRECT function in Google Sheets returns the cell reference specified by a text string. It can be used with the ROW function to create a dynamic cell reference.

Example: Suppose you have data in cells A1 to A5, and you want to return the content of the cell in the row number specified in cell B1. You can use the formula =INDIRECT(“A”&ROW(B1)). If B1 contains the number 3, this will return the content of cell A3.


Usage: The VLOOKUP function in Google Sheets finds things in a table or a range by row. The combination of ROW and VLOOKUP can be helpful in returning the row number of a specific value.

Example: Suppose you have a table in range A1:B5 and want to find the row number of the value “John” in column A. You can use the formula =ROW(VLOOKUP(“John”, A1:B5, 1, FALSE)). This will return the row number where “John” is found.


Usage: The ARRAYFORMULA function in Google Sheets can handle arrays of data and perform complex calculations that regular formulas can’t handle. When combined with ROW, it can create an array of row numbers.

Example: Suppose you have data in cells A1 to A5 and want to create an array of row numbers. You can use the formula =ARRAYFORMULA(ROW(A1:A5)). This will return an array {1;2;3;4;5}.

For more details on the ROW function, check out the official documentation at the Google Docs Editors Help Center.

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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith is automation consultant with a passion for technology, data, AI, and machine learning.

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