Top 10 BEST☝️ Data Anonymization Companies in 2023 (Ranked & Reviewed)

Data anonymization companies help organizations protect the personally identifiable information of their employees, customers, and partners by masking or removing production data that could be used to identify an individual.

There are many companies that provide data anonymization services, but not all of them are created equal. Some are more adept at protecting your data than others.

In order to assist you in choosing the best data anonymization company, we have rated them based on the quality of their solutions, pricing, and customer reviews.

What Are the Best Data Anonymization Companies in 2023?

Here’s the list of the top 10 data masking companies that disrupt the industry in 2023:

  1. Statice
  2. Esito
  3. Brighter AI
  4. Truata
  5. BizDataX
  6. Amnesia
  7. ARX
  8. CloverDX
  9. Anonos
  10. Datproof

1. The Winner: Statice

Statistics is a privacy-protection company that makes protecting your customers’ data simple. Statice generates synthetic data that is in compliance with the GDPR and other legal frameworks, protecting against re-identification of individuals or other privacy attacks.

2. Runner-up: Esito

EEsito is the world’s leading provider of data anonymization tools. As a service provider, they offer a variety of services to help companies protect their databases, including DBmasker, their unique data masking tool that can generate custom masks for any database.

Esito’s mission is to build secure and compliant environments by providing sophisticated technologies that are easy to use.

3. Brighter AI

Brighter AI is a data anonymization company that specializes in image and video anonymization, helping organizations blur faces, license plates, characters from videos or images to protect their privacy.

An interdisciplinary team of engineers founded Brighter AI in order to create the most precise data masking technology.

The company strives to offer their clients innovative solutions to protect sensitive information so that they can control what is seen and shared online in a compliant manner.

4. Trūata

Trūata is a company that provides organizations with data anonymization services in order to use their production data responsibly and securely.

It allows customers to protect the privacy of individuals by obscuring sensitive and biometric data, including names, addresses, social security numbers, and account details from structured databases in order to allow them to be used for analytics or other purposes without exposing personal information.

Apart from offering a suite of tools through its cloud-based platform for managing anonymized datasets containing sensitive information, Trūata also offers consulting services to guide clients in best practices related to data protection and management.

5. BizDataX

The company BizDataX is a data anonymization company which specializes in masking sensitive information. It provides a convenient toolbox for handling sensitive data types in a way that conceals the identity while simultaneously providing testers and developers with data that looks real.

Masking data protects private and sensitive user information, including names, family names, addresses, social security numbers, account numbers, medical information, and more. Through its searchable database of masked personally identifiable information (PII), BizDataX can be used to locate sensitive user information that need to be protected.

6. Amnesia

Amnesia is a data anonymization company that transforms PII to anonymous data that can be used for statistical analysis. With the help of two types of anonymity – K-anonymity and KM-anonymity – data anonymized with Amnesia is guaranteed not to be traceable back to the original data.

The techniques allow minimal reduction in the quality of information while maintaining anonymity. Using Amnesia, you can transform personal or health data to and use the anonymized data for statistical analysis without the need for consent – all while complying with GDPR guidelines.

7. ARX

ARX is a data anonymization company that offers open-source software for anonymizing sensitive personal data.

Users can select from a variety of data privacy and risk models as well as transforming methods within the ARX platform in order to determine what output they wish to receive.

8. CloverDX

CloverDX is a company that provides data anonymization services for complex datasets with parent-child relationships.

The CloverDX solution is suitable for a wide range of industries, including healthcare and finance. Their solutions leverage advanced algorithms that are based on the access patterns of users to map out all their connections in order to find hidden relationships among multiple systems.

The system then assigns each connection an alias or pseudonym to make it indistinguishable from other connections in the system.

In this way, CloverDX maintains business logic while protecting sensitive attributes and relationships between entities like patients and doctors, who may have different levels of authorization depending on what they do in the system.

9. Anonos

Ananos provides an automated anonymization engine that minimizes risk and maximizes data utility.

Organizations can use the company’s functional, proprietary technology to utilize their own data in new ways while mitigating the risks of re-identification.

10. Datproof

Anosos is a software development company specializing in generating privacy-preserving data for developers.

DATPROF Privacy masks your customer data and generates synthetic data so that you can test your application without risking any of the information from real users.

What is a Data Anonymization Company?

A data anonymization company is a business that specializes in the conversion of data, often in large quantities, into a form in which it cannot be linked to the individual.

This process is often used to protect sensitive information, such as healthcare data or financial information. Data anonymization companies are often relied on by businesses and organizations who need to protect their customers’ data.

Why Do Organizations Anonymize Data?

Many organizations and businesses choose to anonymize their data for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • To comply with privacy laws and regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA
  • To protect the identity of individuals who are featured in the data
  • To prevent fraud or misuse of the data
  • To enable the data to be used for research purposes

Data anonymization can be beneficial for both individuals and organizations.

For individuals, data anonymization can help protect their privacy by ensuring that their data cannot be linked back to them.

For organizations, data anonymization can help them comply with data protection regulations and avoid becoming a victim of a devastating data breach.

How Does Data Anonymization Work?

Data anonymization works by converting data into a form that is not linked to an individual. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as:

  • Encrypting data
  • Stripping away identifying information
  • Masking data
  • Generalizing data
  • Perturbing data

Which Types of Data Companies Typically Anonymize?

There are a variety of types of data that companies typically anonymize. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Healthcare data
  • Financial data
  • Customer data
  • Employee data

What Are the Challenges of Data Anonymization?

One of the challenges of data anonymization is ensuring that all identifying information is removed from the data. If even one piece of identifying information is left in the data, it could potentially be used to re-identify individuals.

Another challenge of data anonymization is maintaining the quality of the data. Often, when data is anonymized, some of the details are lost in the process. This can make it difficult to use the data for certain purposes, such as research.

Despite these challenges, data anonymization is a valuable tool for protecting sensitive information. When done correctly, it can help ensure that individuals’ privacy is protected and that organizations can comply with data protection regulations.

The Wrap Up

As data anonymization becomes more important, we will see more and more companies enter the market to provide these services.

Our list of the top 10 data anonymization companies in 2023 is a good starting point for you to explore who can help you keep your data safe.

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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith is automation consultant with a passion for technology, data, AI, and machine learning.

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