19☝️ Shortcuts for Filtering Data in Excel [2023 Guide]

Have you ever found yourself immersed in mountains of data on Excel, feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to isolate the precise data you need? You’re not alone.

Massive spreadsheets can be intimidating, especially when you need to find specific information rapidly. Sifting through rows and columns manually can be a tedious task, costing you valuable time.

The good news is, Excel has a plethora of shortcuts to simplify your work. This guide will walk you through the “shortcut for filter in Excel” to ensure you can navigate data like a pro!

Shortcut #1: AutoFilter

If you want to quickly apply filters to your data in Excel, use the AutoFilter shortcut, Ctrl+Shift+L.

AutoFilter is a powerful tool in Excel that allows you to sort and filter your data based on specific criteria. This shortcut can significantly speed up your data analysis and make your tasks much more efficient.

Here’s how to use the AutoFilter shortcut:

  1. First, select the cell in the column header that you want to apply the filter to.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+L on your keyboard. This will activate the AutoFilter for the selected column.
  3. You’ll notice that a dropdown arrow appears in the header of the selected column. Click on this arrow to see the filtering options available. You can filter by color, text, date, or number, or use custom filter options.
  4. Once you’ve selected your filter criteria, Excel will instantly filter your data according to your selection.

Shortcut #2: Filter by Selection

If you want to filter by selection in Excel, use the Alt + Down Arrow + E shortcut.

Filtering by selection is a powerful shortcut in Excel that allows you to quickly filter data based on a specific cell’s content. This shortcut is particularly useful when dealing with large data sets where manually searching for specific data can be time-consuming and inefficient.

Here’s how to use the Alt + Down Arrow + E shortcut:

  1. Start by selecting the cell that contains the data you want to filter by. This could be a text, number, or date.
  2. Press Alt + Down Arrow. This will open up a drop-down menu in the selected cell.
  3. Without clicking anywhere else, press E. This will activate the ‘Equals’ option in the drop-down menu, which is the filter by selection command.

Once you’ve done this, Excel will instantly filter your data based on the content of the selected cell. For instance, if you selected a cell containing the name “John”, Excel will hide all rows that do not contain “John” in the filtered column.

Shortcut #3: Filter by Color

If you want to filter data by color in Excel, use the Alt + Down Arrow, E, C shortcut.

Filtering by color is a great way to quickly sort through your data in Excel. It’s particularly useful when you have color-coded your data for easy visual recognition. Here’s how to do it with shortcuts:

  1. First, select the cell in the column you want to filter.
  2. Press Alt + Down Arrow. This will open the filter menu.
  3. Then press E. This will select the “Sort by Color” option.
  4. Finally, press C. This will open a submenu where you can choose the specific color you want to filter by.

Remember, these shortcuts are sequential, not simultaneous. So, press each key one after the other, not all at once.

Shortcut #4: Filter by Top/Bottom Values

If you want to filter data by top or bottom values in Excel, use the Alt + Down Arrow + T or Alt + Down Arrow + B shortcut.

Filtering data by top or bottom values is an extremely useful feature in Excel, especially when dealing with large datasets. This shortcut allows you to quickly identify the highest or lowest values in a column, which can be invaluable for tasks like identifying top performers, spotting outliers, or analyzing trends.

Here’s how you can use these shortcuts:

  1. Select the cell in the column that contains the data you want to filter.
  2. Press Alt + Down Arrow to open the filter menu.
  3. Depending on what you want to do, press T for Top 10… or B for Bottom 10… This will open a dialog box.
  4. In this dialog box, you can specify the number of top or bottom items you want to filter by and whether you want to filter by items, percent, or sum. Click OK when you’re done.

Remember, these shortcuts are context-sensitive. That means you need to have a cell selected in the column you want to filter for these shortcuts to work. Also, note that the Top 10… option includes the top values, and the Bottom 10… option includes the bottom values, regardless of whether there are more than 10 items in the list.

Shortcut #5: Filter by Date

If you want to filter data by date in Excel, use the “Alt + Down Arrow” shortcut, then select “Date Filters” from the drop-down menu.

Being able to filter by date is a crucial functionality when working with time-sensitive data in Excel. This feature can help you quickly narrow down your data to a specific time frame, whether it’s a particular day, week, month, or year.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. First, click on the header of the column that contains the dates you want to filter.
  2. Then, press “Alt + Down Arrow” on your keyboard. This will open a drop-down menu in the selected column.
  3. In the drop-down menu, you will find an option called “Date Filters”. Click on it.
  4. A submenu will appear with multiple filtering options such as “Tomorrow”, “Today”, “Next Week”, “Last Month”, and “Next Quarter”, among others. You can also use custom filters to specify a particular date range.
  5. Choose the filter that suits your needs and Excel will immediately filter your data accordingly.

Remember, you can remove the filter at any time by pressing “Alt + Down Arrow” again and selecting “Clear Filter From [Column Name]”.

Shortcut #6: Filter by Text

If you want to filter data by text in Excel, use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+L.

This shortcut is a quick and easy way to filter your data based on specific text. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use it:

  1. Click on any cell in the column you want to filter.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+L on your keyboard. This will enable the filter option for all the columns in your data.
  3. Click on the drop-down arrow in the header of the column you want to filter.
  4. Go to the ‘Text Filters’ option, then select the condition you want to apply, such as ‘Equals’, ‘Does Not Equal’, ‘Begins With’, ‘Ends With’, ‘Contains’, or ‘Does Not Contain’.
  5. In the dialog box that appears, enter the text you want to filter by.

Remember, Excel’s text filters are case-insensitive, meaning it does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters. Therefore, ‘Excel’, ‘EXCEL’, and ‘excel’ are considered the same.

Shortcut #7: Filter by Multiple Criteria

If you want to filter by multiple criteria in Excel, use the “Alt + Down Arrow” shortcut and then press “E” to open the filter menu for more complex filtering options.

Filtering by multiple criteria can be a powerful tool when working with large datasets in Excel. The process involves selecting the column you want to filter and then setting up the criteria you want to apply. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Select the cell in the column you want to filter.
  2. Press “Alt + Down Arrow” to open the drop-down menu in the selected cell.
  3. In the drop-down menu, select “Text Filters” or “Number Filters” based on the data in your selected column.
  4. A side menu will appear with multiple options like “Equals”, “Does Not Equal”, “Greater Than”, and “Less Than”. You can also select “Custom Filter” to set up more specific criteria.
  5. After selecting your filter criteria, press “Enter” to apply the filter to the column.

Remember, you can repeat these steps for multiple columns, allowing you to filter your data by multiple criteria simultaneously. This shortcut makes it easy to sift through and analyze complex data sets, helping you find the information you need quickly and efficiently.

In the 2023 version of Excel, the filters have been made more robust and intuitive, making these shortcuts even more valuable for users who frequently work with large amounts of data.

Shortcut #8: Toggle Filter On/Off

If you want to toggle filters on or off in Excel, use the Ctrl+Shift+L shortcut.

This powerful shortcut allows you to quickly apply or remove filters from your data. Filters are incredibly useful for managing large datasets, as they allow you to display only the data that meets certain criteria. However, constantly navigating through the menus to turn them on or off can be a hassle. That’s where the Ctrl+Shift+L shortcut comes in.

To use this shortcut, simply select a cell within the range of data you want to filter and press Ctrl+Shift+L. If filters are not currently applied to your data, this will turn them on. If filters are already applied, this shortcut will turn them off.

Remember, when you apply a filter, drop-down arrows will appear at the top of each column in your data range. You can click on these arrows to select the criteria for your filter.

Shortcut #9: Clear All Filters

If you want to clear all filters in Excel, use the Alt + A + C shortcut.

Clearing all filters in your Excel spreadsheet can be done quickly and efficiently using keyboard shortcuts. Rather than manually removing each filter one by one, which can be time-consuming, especially with large datasets, the Alt + A + C shortcut will save you significant time.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. First, make sure your Excel spreadsheet is active by clicking anywhere within it.
  2. Press the Alt key on your keyboard. This will activate the Excel Ribbon interface.
  3. While holding down the Alt key, press the A key. This will navigate you to the “Data” tab in the Ribbon.
  4. Still holding down the Alt key, now press the C key. This action will trigger the “Clear” command under the “Sort & Filter” section.

By following these steps, all filters applied to your data will be removed instantly. This shortcut is particularly useful when you’re dealing with multiple filters and you want to start over with a clean slate.

Remember that this shortcut will not delete any data, it simply removes the filters, allowing you to view all your data unfiltered.

Shortcut #10: Display the Filter menu

If you want to display the filter menu in Excel, use the Alt + Down Arrow shortcut.

This shortcut is a quick and easy way to access the filter menu without having to navigate through the toolbar. It allows you to filter your data based on certain criteria, such as values, conditions, or even custom filters.

To use this shortcut, first select the cell in the column you want to filter. Then, press Alt + Down Arrow on your keyboard. This will immediately open the filter menu, displaying a list of unique values present in the selected column. You can then choose to filter by any of these values, or select more complex filtering options.

Shortcut #11: Display the Custom Filter dialog box

If you want to display the Custom Filter dialog box in Excel, use the Alt + Down Arrow + F + F shortcut.

This shortcut is a game-changer when it comes to filtering data in Excel. The Custom Filter dialog box allows you to create complex filters based on multiple criteria, which can be a huge time-saver when dealing with large data sets.

Here’s how to use this shortcut:

  1. Select the cell in the column header that you want to apply the custom filter to.
  2. Press Alt + Down Arrow. This will open the filter dropdown menu.
  3. Next, press F twice. The Custom Filter dialog box will appear.
  4. In the dialog box, you can set your desired criteria for filtering. You can filter by condition, value, or both. You can also add multiple conditions if needed.

Remember, the first press of F will select the “Text Filters” or “Number Filters” option, depending on the data type in your selected column. The second press will open the Custom Filter dialog box.

Shortcut #12: Open Filter Drop-down Menu

If you want to open the filter drop-down menu in Excel, use the Alt + Down Arrow shortcut.

The filter drop-down menu is a handy tool in Excel that allows you to sort or filter your data based on specific criteria. If you’re looking to increase your efficiency and navigate through Excel like a pro, knowing how to quickly access this menu is crucial.

Here’s how you can do it with the help of a shortcut:

  1. First, click on the cell that contains the header of the column you want to filter. For example, if you want to filter data based on ‘Date’, click on the cell that says ‘Date’.
  2. Once the cell is selected, press the Alt key and while holding it, press the Down Arrow key. This will immediately open the filter drop-down menu for the selected column.
  3. From the menu, you can choose to sort your data in ascending or descending order, filter by specific criteria, or even perform a custom sort or filter.

Shortcut #13: Filter using the Search box

If you want to filter data using the search box in Excel, use the CTRL+SHIFT+L shortcut.

Excel’s search box is a powerful tool that can help you quickly and easily filter your data. Here’s how you can use it with the help of a shortcut:

  1. Click on the column header you’d like to filter.
  2. Press CTRL+SHIFT+L on your keyboard. This will activate the filter buttons on the headers of every column in your data range.
  3. Click on the filter button that appears in the selected column header. This will open a dropdown menu.
  4. At the top of this dropdown menu, you’ll see a search box. Type the value that you want to filter by into this box. As you type, Excel will automatically start filtering the data in the dropdown menu to match what you’ve typed.
  5. Once you’ve typed your desired filter value, press Enter. Excel will then apply this filter to the entire column, showing only the rows that contain the value you typed in the search box.

Remember, the CTRL+SHIFT+L shortcut is a toggle. So, if you want to turn off the filters, simply select any cell within the data range and press CTRL+SHIFT+L again. This will remove the filter buttons from the column headers and show all your data again.

Shortcut #14: Filter for Blank or Non-blank Cells or Rows

If you want to filter for blank or non-blank cells or rows in Excel, use the Ctrl+Shift+L shortcut followed by the Alt+Down Arrow.

Filtering for blank or non-blank cells or rows in Excel can be a significant time saver when dealing with large datasets. Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how to do it using keyboard shortcuts:

  1. First, select the column you want to filter by clicking on the column header.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+L. This will activate the filter dropdown menu in the selected column.
  3. Now, press the Alt+Down Arrow. This will open the filter dropdown.
  4. Use the arrow keys to navigate to the “Blanks” or “Non-Blanks” option in the dropdown, depending on what you want to filter.
  5. Press Enter to apply the filter.

Following these steps will filter your selected column to only display rows with blank or non-blank cells in that column. Remember, you can apply this to multiple columns at once by selecting multiple column headers before pressing Ctrl+Shift+L.

This shortcut is a handy tool when it comes to data cleaning and analysis. It allows you to quickly isolate and identify either the missing data (blanks) or the data points (non-blanks) in your dataset.

Shortcut #15: Check/Uncheck Filter Items

If you want to check or uncheck filter items in Excel quickly, use the Spacebar shortcut.

In your journey of mastering Excel data filtering, knowing how to swiftly check or uncheck filter items can save you valuable time. This shortcut is simple and effective. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. First, click on the filter arrow in the column header of the data you want to filter. This will open the filter drop-down menu.
  2. Next, use the arrow keys to navigate through the list of filter items.
  3. Once you’ve highlighted the desired item, press the Spacebar to check or uncheck it.

This shortcut is extremely handy when you need to filter data based on multiple criteria. Instead of manually clicking each checkbox with your mouse, you can quickly toggle them on or off using the Spacebar.

Shortcut #16: Clear or remove filters in a column

If you want to clear or remove filters in a column in Excel, use the Alt + Down Arrow + C shortcut.

Using filters in Excel is a fantastic way to sift through large amounts of data quickly. However, there may come a time when you want to remove these filters. Instead of going through the process of manually removing them, there’s a handy shortcut that can do it for you in an instant.

To clear or remove filters in a column, simply select the filtered column, then press Alt + Down Arrow + C. This will instantly remove any filters applied to that column, allowing you to see all your data again.

Keep in mind, this shortcut will only clear the filters on the selected column. If you have filters applied to multiple columns and you want to remove all of them, you’ll need to select all the columns first. You can do this by clicking and dragging your mouse across the column headers, or by using the Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow/Left Arrow shortcut to select all columns to the right or left of the current one. Once all the filtered columns are selected, use the Alt + Down Arrow + C shortcut to remove the filters.

Shortcut #17: Select Filter menu options using shortcuts

If you want to select Filter menu options using shortcuts in Excel, use the Alt + Down Arrow shortcut.

Filtering data in Excel can be a time-consuming task, especially when dealing with large datasets. However, using keyboard shortcuts can significantly speed up your work. The shortcut to select Filter menu options is Alt + Down Arrow. This shortcut will open the filter menu for the currently selected cell in your Excel spreadsheet.

Here’s how to use it:

  1. First, click on the cell that contains the filter you want to access.
  2. Press Alt + Down Arrow on your keyboard. This will open the filter menu for the selected cell.
  3. You can now navigate through the filter options using the arrow keys on your keyboard. Press Enter to select an option.

Shortcut #18: Reapply Filter

If you want to reapply a filter in Excel, use the Alt + Down Arrow, E shortcut.

After applying a filter to your data in Excel, there are times when you might need to reapply the same filter to update your results, especially when the data has been changed or updated. Instead of going through the entire process of applying the filter again, Excel has a shortcut that allows you to reapply the filter quickly.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. First, select any cell within the range of data that you have previously applied a filter to.
  2. Press the Alt + Down Arrow keys on your keyboard. This will open the filter drop-down menu.
  3. Now, press the E key. This is the shortcut for the ‘Reapply’ command.

Once you’ve done this, Excel will reapply the same filter to your data. This is particularly useful when you’re working with large data sets and need to frequently update your filtered results.

Shortcut #19: Open Sort and Filter

If you want to open the Sort and Filter options in Excel, use the Alt + A + S + S shortcut for Sort and Alt + A + T for Filter.

Excel’s Sort and Filter options are incredibly useful for managing and analyzing large data sets. They allow you to organize your data in a way that makes it easier to find specific information. However, navigating through the menus to access these options can be time-consuming. That’s where keyboard shortcuts come in.

To open the Sort dialog box, simply press Alt + A + S + S. This will bring up the Sort dialog box where you can choose to sort your data based on different criteria such as values, cell color, font color, or cell icon.

To open the Filter options, press Alt + A + T. This will apply a filter to your data, enabling you to hide rows based on certain criteria.

FAQ: Mastering Filtering Shortcuts in Excel

Navigating vast amounts of data in Excel requires expertise. To help, we’ve curated answers for the most commonly asked questions about filtering shortcuts in Excel.

What is the fastest method to filter data in Excel?

To quickly filter data in Excel, utilize the AutoFilter feature. With a simple keystroke – “Ctrl + Shift + L” – you can instantly toggle on the filtering dropdowns for all column headers, streamlining your data filtering process.

Is there a specific keyboard shortcut for applying a filter in Excel?

Absolutely! The universal “shortcut for filter in Excel” is “Ctrl + Shift + L”. This command activates or deactivates the AutoFilter feature, presenting you with diverse filtering options.

What does the “Ctrl + Shift + L” shortcut do in Excel?

The “Ctrl + Shift + L” shortcut is Excel’s magic wand for data enthusiasts. It activates the AutoFilter functionality, placing dropdown arrows on each column header. These arrows let you filter and refine the data displayed based on specific criteria.

What is the shortcut for clearing filters in Excel when using a Mac?

Mac users, we’ve got you covered! To toggle the AutoFilter on or off, you can use the “Cmd + Shift + L” shortcut. This ensures seamless data management across platforms.

What is the shortcut for filtering data in Excel 2016?

In Excel 2016, data filtering is made easy with the “Ctrl + Shift + L” combination for Windows users. Mac aficionados can employ “Cmd + Shift + L” for the same result. With this shortcut, you’re just one step away from accessing a world of data management possibilities.

Which key combination is used as a filter shortcut in Excel 2010?

Legacy versions like Excel 2010 are not left behind in efficiency. The primary shortcut for instant filtering in Excel 2010 remains the trusty “Ctrl + Shift + L”.

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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith is automation consultant with a passion for technology, data, AI, and machine learning.

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