AND Function in☝️ Google Sheets Explained (Definition, Syntax, How to Use It, Examples)

This guide covers everything you need to know about the Google Sheets AND function, including its definition, syntax, use cases, and how to use it.

What is the AND Function? How Does It Work?

The AND function is a logical operator that returns a TRUE value only if all of its arguments are TRUE. If even one of the arguments is FALSE, the function will return a FALSE value.

Its primary purpose is to evaluate multiple logical expressions collectively and determine whether all conditions are met. This function is generally used when there’s a need to ascertain that multiple criteria are fulfilled simultaneously.

Let’s take an example to understand how the AND function works. Let’s say we have two conditions, A2 = “foo” and A3 = “bar”. If we use the AND function like this: AND(A2 = “foo”, A3 = “bar”), it will return TRUE only if both A2 equals “foo” and A3 equals “bar”. If either of these conditions is not met, the function will return FALSE.

Another crucial aspect of understanding the AND function is how it handles numerical values. In Google Sheets, the number 0 is considered logically FALSE, while all other numbers, including negative ones, are considered logically TRUE. So, if you use the AND function with a set of numbers like AND(0,1,2,3), it will return FALSE because 0 is treated as FALSE.

The AND function can also work with ranges. For instance, AND(A1:A10, B1:B10) would return TRUE only if all the cells in both ranges contain a logically TRUE value.

AND Syntax

The syntax and arguments for the AND function are as follows:

AND(logical_expression1, [logical_expression2, …])

Here are the arguments in detail:

  • logical_expression1: This is the first logical expression the AND function will evaluate. It should represent a logical value, which means it should be either TRUE or FALSE, or it should be an expression that can be converted into a logical value.
  • logical_expression2, …: These are additional logical expressions that the AND function will evaluate. They are optional. Like the first logical expression, these should also represent logical values or be expressions that can be converted into logical values.

The usage notes related to the syntax and arguments of the AND function are:

  • The AND function can evaluate any number of logical expressions. It’s not limited to just two. You can add as many logical expressions as you need.
  • The logical expressions can be direct logical values (TRUE or FALSE), they can be references to cells containing logical values, or they can be other expressions that can be coerced to logical values.
  • In the context of the AND function, the number 0 is considered to be logically FALSE and all other numbers (including negative numbers) are considered to be logically TRUE. This means that if a logical expression evaluates to 0, the AND function will consider it as FALSE, and if it evaluates to any other number, the AND function will consider it as TRUE.

Examples of How to Use the AND Function

Here are some practical examples of how to use the AND function in Google Sheets:

Example #1: Basic Usage of the AND Function

Suppose you have a list of students and their scores in two subjects, Math and English. You want to determine if a student scored more than 60 in both subjects. You can use the AND function for this.

Assume the scores for Math are in column B and for English are in column C. For a student in row 2, the function would look like this:

=AND(B2>60, C2>60)

This function will return TRUE if the student has scored more than 60 in both subjects and FALSE if not.

Example #2: Using AND Function with Multiple Conditions

The AND function can also handle more than two conditions.

For instance, if you want to check if a student has scored more than 60 in Math, more than 60 in English and if their attendance is above 75%. Assume the attendance is in column D. The function would look like this:

=AND(B2>60, C2>60, D2>75)

This function will return TRUE if all the conditions are met and FALSE if not.

AND: Common Mistakes & Problems

When using the AND function in Google Sheets, users often encounter several common mistakes and problems. Here is a list of some of them:

  • Incorrect syntax: The AND function requires at least one logical expression, and all logical expressions must be separated by commas. An error will occur if the syntax is not correct. For example, “AND(A1>10 A2<20)” will result in an error because there is no comma separating the two logical expressions.
  • Non-logical values: The AND function only works with logical values (TRUE or FALSE). If you try to use a non-logical value, the function will return an error. For example, “AND(A1, A2)” will result in an error if A1 or A2 contains a non-logical value.
  • Using ranges as arguments: The AND function does not work with range references. Each argument must be a single cell reference or a logical expression involving single cell references. For example, “AND(A1:A10 > 10)” will return an error.
  • Overlooking case sensitivity: Google Sheets is case-sensitive. If you are comparing text strings, make sure to consider this. For example, AND(“Text”=”text”) will return FALSE because “Text” and “text” are not considered the same.
  • Neglecting to use parentheses when necessary: When combining AND with other functions, it’s important to use parentheses to specify the order of operations. For example, “AND(A1>10, OR(B1<20, B2=30))” will return TRUE if A1 is greater than 10 and either B1 is less than 20 or B2 equals 30. Without the parentheses, the function may not behave as expected.

Why Is AND Not Working? Troubleshooting Common Errors

If you’re having trouble with the AND function in Google Sheets, you’re not alone. This function can be a bit tricky to master, but once you do, it can be a powerful tool in your spreadsheet arsenal. Let’s take a look at some of the most common errors you might encounter when using the AND function.

#VALUE! Error

Cause: The #VALUE! error typically appears when one or more of the arguments you’re using in your AND function are not logical values. In other words, the AND function is expecting TRUE or FALSE values, but it’s receiving something else.

Solution: To fix this error, you should ensure that all arguments within your AND function are logical values. You can do this by checking each argument individually. If any of the arguments are formulas, make sure those formulas are returning logical values. If any arguments are cell references, ensure the cells they refer to contain logical values.

#N/A Error

Cause: The #N/A error appears when the AND function can’t find the value it’s looking for. This could happen if you’re using a cell reference that doesn’t exist or if the referenced cell is empty.

Solution: To fix this error, ensure all your cell references are correct. If they are, you should ensure all the referenced cells contain a value. If a cell is empty, the AND function won’t be able to find a value and will return an #N/A error.

#DIV/0! Error

Cause: The #DIV/0! error appears when trying to divide by zero within your AND function. This is a common error when using division within your logical arguments.

Solution: To fix this error, you should ensure you’re not dividing by zero within your AND function. If you’re using a cell reference for the denominator, ensure the cell does not contain a zero. If the denominator is a formula, make sure that the formula is not returning a zero.

#NUM! Error

Cause: The #NUM! error appears when the AND function deals with numbers that are too large or too small.

Solution: To fix this error, check the values you use in your AND function. If any of them are extremely large or small numbers, you may need to adjust them to be within a range that the AND function can handle.

Using AND With Other Google Sheets Functions

Combining the AND function with other Google Sheets functions can greatly enhance your data analysis capabilities. It allows you to create more specific conditions and to extract more precise information from your data. Here are a few examples of how you can use the AND function alongside other Google Sheets functions:

With IF

Usage: The IF function returns one value if a condition is true and another if it’s false. When combined with the AND function, you can check multiple conditions at once.

Example: Let’s say you have a list of students with their scores in two subjects, Math and English. You want to determine which students scored more than 70 in both subjects. You can use the AND function in combination with the IF function to accomplish this.

In cell C2, enter the following formula:

=IF(AND(B2>70, C2>70), “Pass”, “Fail”)

This formula checks if the scores in cells B2 and C2 are both greater than 70. If they are, it returns “Pass”. If not, it returns “Fail”. Drag this formula down to apply it to the entire column.


Usage: The COUNTIF function counts the number of cells that meet a certain condition. When combined with the AND function, you can count the number of cells that meet multiple conditions.

Example: Suppose you have a list of products with their prices and quantities in stock. You want to find out how many products have a price of less than $20 and a stock quantity over 100. You can use the AND function in combination with the COUNTIF function to accomplish this.

Enter the following array formula in an empty cell:

=COUNTIF(A2:A10, “<20”)+COUNTIF(B2:B10, “>100”)-COUNTIFS(A2:A10, “<20”, B2:B10, “>100”)

This formula counts the number of products with a price less than $20 and a stock quantity more than 100.

With OR

Usage: The OR function checks if any of the specified conditions are true. When combined with the AND function, you can create complex logical conditions.

Example: Let’s say you have a list of employees with their monthly sales and target. You want to find out who has either met the target or has sales of more than $5000. You can use the AND function in combination with the OR function to accomplish this.

In cell D2, enter the following formula:

=OR(B2>=C2, AND(B2>5000))

This formula checks if the sales in cell B2 are greater than or equal to the target in cell C2 or more than $5000. If either of the conditions is true, it returns TRUE. If not, it returns FALSE. Drag this formula down to apply it to the entire column.

For more details on the AND function, check out the official documentation at the Google Docs Editors Help Center.

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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith is automation consultant with a passion for technology, data, AI, and machine learning.

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