COUNTBLANK Function in☝️ Google Sheets Explained (Definition, Syntax, How to Use It, Examples)

This guide covers everything you need to know about the Google Sheets COUNTBLANK function, including its definition, syntax, use cases, and how to use it.

What is the COUNTBLANK Function? How Does It Work?

The COUNTBLANK function in Google Sheets returns the number of empty cells within a specified range. This function is particularly useful when dealing with large datasets, where manually counting empty cells would be tedious and time-consuming.

The purpose of COUNTBLANK is to provide an easy and efficient way to identify and quantify gaps or omissions in data. This can be crucial in data analysis and data cleaning processes, where the absence of data can significantly impact the results of calculations or visual representations of the data.

How it works is fairly straightforward. When you apply the COUNTBLANK function to a range of cells, Google Sheets goes through each cell in the specified range and tallies all the cells that are blank. It’s important to note that COUNTBLANK considers both completely empty cells and cells that contain an empty string (” “) as blank. This means that if a cell appears empty but actually contains an invisible character, such as a space, it will still be counted as blank.

For instance, if you were to use COUNTBLANK(A2:C100), the function would return the total number of empty cells within the range of cells from A2 to C100.


The syntax and arguments for the function are as follows:


COUNTBLANK(value1, [value2,…])


  • value1: This is the first value or range in which the COUNTBLANK function will count the number of blank cells. This argument is required for the function to work.
  • value2: This is an optional argument. You can include additional values or ranges for the function to count the number of blank cells in.

Usage Notes:

  • The COUNTBLANK function considers cells with no content and cells containing an empty string (“”) to be blank cells. This means that if a cell contains an empty string, it will be included in the count of blank cells.
  • The function does not distinguish between cells that are truly empty and those that contain an empty string. Both are considered blank.
  • You can include as many additional values or ranges as you need in the function. Just remember to separate each one with a comma.
  • The values or ranges you include do not have to be adjacent or in any particular order. The function will count the number of blank cells in all of the specified areas.
  • The COUNTBLANK function will return a single numerical value, which represents the total number of blank cells in the specified ranges.

Examples of How to Use the COUNTBLANK Function

Here are some examples of how to use the COUNTBLANK function in Google Sheets:

Example #1: Counting Blank Cells in a Specific Range

Let’s say you have a list of tasks in column A, ranging from A2 to A20. Some tasks have been assigned to team members (names are in column B), but some tasks are still unassigned, meaning the corresponding cells in column B are blank. You want to find out how many tasks are still unassigned. Here’s how you can use COUNTBLANK:

In any cell, type in the following formula: =COUNTBLANK(B2:B20)

This will count the number of blank cells in the range B2 to B20, giving you the number of unassigned tasks.

Example #2: Counting Blank Cells in an Entire Column

Suppose you have a large dataset in column A and want to know how many cells in that column are blank. Instead of specifying a range, you can use the COUNTBLANK function for the whole column. Here’s how to do it:

In any cell, type in the following formula: =COUNTBLANK(A:A)

This will count all blank cells in column A.

Example #3: Counting Blank Cells Across Multiple Columns

You can also use the COUNTBLANK function to count blank cells across multiple columns. For example, let’s say you have a dataset in columns A, B, and C, and you want to know the total number of blank cells in these columns. Here’s how to do it:

In any cell, type in the following formula: =COUNTBLANK(A:A) + COUNTBLANK(B:B) + COUNTBLANK(C:C)

This will count all blank cells in columns A, B, and C, then add the counts together to give you the total number of blank cells.

Example #4: Counting Blank Cells in a Row

The COUNTBLANK function can also be used to count blank cells in a row. Let’s say you have data in row 2 from columns A to Z and want to know how many cells in that row are blank. Here’s how to do it:

In any cell, type in the following formula: =COUNTBLANK(2:2)

This will count all blank cells in row 2.

COUNTBLANK: Common Mistakes & Problems

When using the COUNTBLANK function in Google Sheets, it’s important to be aware of some common mistakes and problems that can occur:

  • Misunderstanding the function: COUNTBLANK only counts cells that are entirely empty. It does not count cells with spaces, zeros, or cells with formulas that return an empty string.
  • Overlooking data validation: Data validation can affect the COUNTBLANK function. If your data validation rules don’t allow blank cells, the function may not return the expected results.
  • Not accounting for hidden rows or columns: COUNTBLANK will count blank cells even in hidden rows or columns. If you’re getting a higher count than expected, make sure to check for hidden cells.
  • Not considering non-text cells: The COUNTBLANK function counts cells that are completely empty. If a cell contains a date, number, or non-text data, it won’t be counted as blank, even if it appears empty.

Why Is COUNTBLANK Not Working? Troubleshooting Common Errors

If you are using the COUNTBLANK function in Google Sheets and encountering some issues, you may be dealing with several common errors. These errors can be due to various causes, but you can usually find a solution with a little troubleshooting.

#VALUE! Error

Cause: The #VALUE! error usually occurs when the range you have specified in the COUNTBLANK function includes non-cell references. This could be because you have mistakenly included a text string or number in your range or because you have referenced a cell that does not exist.

Solution: To resolve the #VALUE! error, double-check the range you have specified in your COUNTBLANK function. Ensure that you are only referencing valid cells and not including any text strings, numbers, or non-existent cells in your range.

#REF! Error

Cause: The #REF! error typically appears when the range you have specified in your COUNTBLANK function refers to a cell or range of cells that has been deleted. This could happen if you deleted a row or column previously referenced in your COUNTBLANK function.

Solution: To fix the #REF! error, you need to adjust the range in your COUNTBLANK function to reference valid, existing cells. If you have deleted a row or column, make sure to adjust your function to reflect this change.

#N/A Error

Cause: The #N/A error can occur when the range you have specified in your COUNTBLANK function is invalid. This could be because you have used an incorrect cell reference syntax or because you have referenced a non-existent range.

Solution: To resolve the #N/A error, check the syntax of your cell reference range. Make sure you are using the correct notation and that the range you have specified actually exists.

#NAME? Error

Cause: The #NAME? error typically appears when Google Sheets does not recognize the COUNTBLANK function. This could be because you have misspelled the function name or because you have entered it in a way that Google Sheets does not recognize.

Solution: To fix the #NAME? error, double-check that you have spelled the COUNTBLANK function correctly. Make sure you are using the correct syntax and that you have included all necessary parentheses and commas.

#DIV/0! Error

Cause: The #DIV/0! error can occur when you are trying to divide by zero in your COUNTBLANK function. This could happen if you divide a number by the result of a COUNTBLANK function that returns zero.

Solution: To resolve the #DIV/0! error, adjust your formula to avoid dividing by zero. If you divide a number by the result of a COUNTBLANK function, ensure that the COUNTBLANK function will not return zero.

Using COUNTBLANK With Other Google Sheets Functions

Combining the COUNTBLANK function with other Google Sheets functions can help you gain more detailed insights into your data. This can be quite powerful, especially when working with large datasets. Here are a few examples of how to use COUNTBLANK with other functions to achieve different results.

With SUM

Usage: If you want to find the total number of blank cells and non-blank cells in a range, you can use the COUNTBLANK function in conjunction with the SUM function.

Example: Suppose you have a range of cells from A1 to A10 and want to find the total number of cells, both blank and filled. You can use the following formula:


This formula first counts the number of non-blank cells in the range A1 to A10 using the COUNT function, then adds the number of blank cells in the same range using the COUNTBLANK function.

With IF

Usage: If you want to count the number of blank cells in a range based on a certain condition, you can use the COUNTBLANK function with the IF function.

Example: Suppose you have a range of cells from B1 to B10 and want to count the number of blank cells only if the corresponding cell in column A contains the text “Yes”. You can use the following formula:


This formula first checks if the cells in the range A1 to A10 contain the text “Yes” using the IF function. If the condition is met, it then counts the number of blank cells in the corresponding cells in column B using the COUNTBLANK function.


Usage: If you want to apply the COUNTBLANK function to multiple ranges or arrays of cells, you can use it with the ARRAYFORMULA function.

Example: Suppose you have a range of cells from C1 to C10 and another range from D1 to D10, and you want to count the total number of blank cells in both ranges. You can use the following formula:


This formula uses the ARRAYFORMULA function to apply the COUNTBLANK function to both ranges and then sums up the results using the SUM function.

For more details on the COUNTBLANK function, check out the official documentation at the Google Docs Editors Help Center.

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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith is automation consultant with a passion for technology, data, AI, and machine learning.

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