CSC Function in☝️ Google Sheets Explained (Definition, Syntax, How to Use It, Examples)

This guide covers everything you need to know about the Google Sheets CSC function, including its definition, syntax, use cases, and how to use it.

What is the CSC Function? How Does It Work?

The CSC function returns the cosecant of an angle provided in radians. In simple terms, it’s used to determine the ratio of the length of the hypotenuse to the length of the side opposite the angle in a right-angled triangle. This is a key function in trigonometry, often used in engineering, physics, and computer science.

The input to the function, denoted as “angle,” can be any real value. This “angle” value is measured in radians, a unit of angle measure where 180 degrees is equivalent to pi radians.

Using the function, for example, CSC(1), would return the cosecant of 1 radian, which is approximately 1.188395106. Another example, CSC(-1), would return the cosecant of -1 radians, approximately -1.188395106. The CSC function cannot calculate the cosecant of 0.

This function is most useful when dealing with right-angled triangles, circles, or waveforms, where you have radian measures and need to find the ratio of lengths of sides.

CSC Syntax

The CSC function in Google Sheets uses the following syntax:


In this syntax, the ‘angle’ argument represents any real value for which you want to calculate the cosecant.

Here are some important notes about the syntax and arguments of the CSC function:

  • The ‘angle’ argument can be a cell reference, a formula that results in a numeric value, or a direct numeric input.
  • The CSC function will return a #DIV/0! error if the ‘angle’ argument is equal to zero, as the cosecant of zero is undefined.
  • The ‘angle’ argument should always be provided in radians. If you have an angle value in degrees, you need to convert it to radians before using the CSC function. You can use the RADIANS function in Google Sheets to convert degrees to radians.
  • The CSC function will return a #NUM! error if the ‘angle’ argument is a non-numeric value.
  • The result of the CSC function is the cosecant of the provided angle, which is the reciprocal of the sine of the angle.

Examples of How to Use the CSC Function

Here are some practical examples of how to use the CSC function in Google Sheets:

Example #1: Basic Use of the CSC Function

Suppose you want to find the cosecant of a number, say 45. To do this, you will need to use the RADIANS function to convert the degrees into radians first. Then, you can apply the CSC function. The formula would be =CSC(RADIANS(45)). This will return the cosecant of 45 degrees.

Example #2: Using the CSC Function with PI

In Google Sheets, you can also use the PI function to work with radians directly. For instance, if you want to find the cosecant of π/2 radians, you can use the formula =CSC(PI()/2). This will return the cosecant of π/2 radians.

Example #3: Using the CSC Function in a Mathematical Model

Let’s say you are working on a mathematical model that involves the cosecant function. For instance, you might have an equation like y = csc(x). You can use the CSC function to calculate the values of y for different values of x. For example, if x = 30 degrees, you can use the formula =CSC(RADIANS(A2)), where A2 is the cell that contains the value of x. This will return the value of y according to the equation.

Example #4: Using the CSC Function to Solve Problems in Physics

The CSC function can also be used to solve problems in physics. For instance, in wave motion, the amplitude of a wave can be calculated by the formula A = csc(θ), where θ is the phase angle. If you know the phase angle, you can use the CSC function to find the amplitude. For example, if the phase angle is 60 degrees, you can use the formula =CSC(RADIANS(60)) to find the amplitude.

CSC: Common Mistakes & Problems

When using the CSC function in Google Sheets, there are several common mistakes and problems that users often encounter:

  • Incorrect Arguments: The CSC function only takes one argument, which should be a number. If you pass more than one argument or use non-numeric arguments, you will get an error.
  • Ignoring the Units: CSC function in Google Sheets assumes that the argument you’re feeding it is in radians. If you’re working with degrees, you’ll need to convert them to radians first. You can use the RADIANS function to do this.
  • Dealing with Undefined Results: The CSC function is undefined for certain values (specifically, for multiples of pi). If you try to compute the CSC of such a value, Google Sheets will return an error. This is not a mistake on your part or a problem with Google Sheets, but a fundamental characteristic of the CSC function.
  • Ignoring the Range: The CSC function can return very large values for numbers close to multiples of pi. Make sure to keep this in mind when interpreting the results.

Why Is CSC Not Working? Troubleshooting Common Errors

If you’re using the CSC function in Google Sheets and it’s not working, you’re probably encountering one of several common errors. Understanding these errors, their causes, and solutions can help you troubleshoot:

#VALUE! Error

Cause: This error typically occurs when one or more of the arguments provided in the CSC function are non-numeric. Google Sheets cannot perform the CSC calculation on text or other non-number values.

Solution: Check each argument in your CSC function to ensure it is a number. Replace any non-numeric values with appropriate numerical ones or reference cells that contain numerical values.

#NUM! Error

Cause: This error appears when the number provided in the CSC function is a multiple of pi. The CSC function is undefined for multiples of pi, leading Google Sheets to return the #NUM! error.

Solution: Verify the number you’re using in your CSC function. If it is a multiple of pi, adjust it or choose a different number that is not a multiple of pi.

#DIV/0! Error

Cause: This error is returned when the input value of the CSC function is zero. In mathematical terms, the cosecant (CSC) of zero is not defined, hence the error.

Solution: Ensure the input value of your CSC function is not zero. If you’re referencing a cell, make sure that the cell does not contain zero.

#NAME? Error

Cause: The #NAME? error typically appears when Google Sheets does not recognize the text in the formula. In the case of the CSC function, this could mean that you’ve misspelled “CSC” or used incorrect syntax.

Solution: Review your formula to ensure you’ve spelled “CSC” correctly. Also, check that you’ve used the correct syntax, which is CSC(value), where ‘value’ is the angle in radians for which you want to find the cosecant.

Using CSC With Other Google Sheets Functions

Combining the CSC function with other Google Sheets functions can help you perform more complex calculations and analyses. Below are some examples of how you can use CSC in conjunction with other functions in Google Sheets.

With SUM

Usage: You can use the SUM function in conjunction with the CSC function to add up the cosecant of several angles.

Example: Let’s say you have angles (in radians) in cells A1 to A5, and you want to add up their cosecants. You can do this by typing the following formula into the formula bar:

=SUM(CSC(A1), CSC(A2), CSC(A3), CSC(A4), CSC(A5))


Usage: You can use the AVERAGE function with the CSC function to find the average cosecant of several angles.

Example: If you have angles (in radians) in cells B1 to B5 and you want to find the average of their cosecants, you can do this by typing the following formula into the formula bar:


With PI

Usage: You can use the PI function with the CSC function to find the cosecant of an angle in terms of pi.

Example: If you want to find the cosecant of an angle that is half of pi (which is equivalent to 90 degrees), you can do this by typing the following formula into the formula bar:



Usage: You can use the RADIANS function with the CSC function to convert an angle from degrees to radians before finding its cosecant.

Example: If you have an angle in cell C1 (in degrees) and you want to find its cosecant, you can do this by typing the following formula into the formula bar:


These are just a few examples of using the CSC function with other Google Sheets functions. By combining functions in this way, you can perform a wide range of mathematical calculations and analyses.

For more details on the CSC function, check out the official documentation at the Google Docs Editors Help Center.

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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith is automation consultant with a passion for technology, data, AI, and machine learning.

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