OFFSET Function in☝️ Google Sheets Explained (Definition, Syntax, How to Use It, Examples)

This guide covers everything you need to know about the Google Sheets OFFSET function, including its definition, syntax, use cases, and how to use it.

What is the OFFSET Function? How Does It Work?

The OFFSET function in Google Sheets returns a range reference that’s shifted a specific number of rows and columns away from a starting cell reference. This function is particularly useful when you need to access and analyze data located in a different position relative to a known cell, providing dynamic range references that change based on the specified offsets.

The direction of the count is determined by the offset_rows and offset_columns parameters. The function will count downwards and to the right if these values are positive. If they’re negative, it will count upwards and to the left.

Once the target cell is located through the offset, the function can also return a range of cells instead of a single cell. This is done by defining the [height] and [width] arguments. The height argument specifies the number of rows in the range to return, while the width argument defines the number of columns. The returned range will always start from the target cell.

Keep in mind that OFFSET doesn’t move any data. It merely references it from a different position. This makes it a powerful function in terms of data manipulation and analysis. For example, it can create dynamic ranges for charts, average over a moving range of values, or sum every nth row in a column.

For instance, OFFSET(A2,3,4,2,2) will return a 2×2 range that starts 3 rows down and 4 columns to the right of cell A2. OFFSET(A2,1,1) will return the cell that’s one row down and one column to the right of A2, which is B3.


The syntax and arguments for the function are as follows:

OFFSET(cell_reference, offset_rows, offset_columns, [height], [width])

Here’s a breakdown of each argument and what they mean:

  • cell_reference: This is the cell reference from which the offset will start. It serves as your starting point for the offset function.
  • offset_rows: This specifies the number of rows to be shifted from the starting cell. The value must be an integer and can be negative. If a decimal value is given, the decimal part will be ignored.
  • offset_columns: This argument represents the number of columns to be shifted from the starting cell. Similar to offset_rows, this value must be an integer and can be negative. Any decimal value provided will be truncated.
  • height: This is an optional argument that determines the height of the range to return starting at the offset target.
  • width: This is another optional argument that defines the width of the range to return starting at the offset target.

The OFFSET function recalculates whenever a change is made anywhere in the workbook. This can slow down large spreadsheets significantly.

Examples of How to Use the OFFSET Function

Here are some practical examples of how to use the OFFSET function in Google Sheets:

Example #1: Basic OFFSET Function

Suppose you have a list of sales data in column A and want to retrieve the sales data for the 5th row.

You can use the OFFSET function as follows:

=OFFSET(A1, 4, 0)

Here, A1 is the reference cell, 4 is the number of rows down from the reference cell, and 0 is the number of columns to the right of the reference cell, returning the sales data for the 5th row.

Example #2: OFFSET with the SUM Function

You can use the OFFSET function in combination with other functions. For instance, if you want to sum the next three values after a specific cell, you can use the SUM and OFFSET functions together. Suppose you want to sum the three values after cell B2.

You can write the formula as:

=SUM(OFFSET(B2, 1, 0, 3, 1))

Here, B2 is the reference cell, 1 is the number of rows down from B2, 0 is the number of columns to the right of B2, 3 is the height (number of rows to include in the range), and 1 is the width (number of columns to include in the range).

OFFSET: Common Mistakes & Problems

When using the OFFSET function in Google Sheets, users often encounter several common mistakes and problems. Being aware of these can help you avoid them and use the function more effectively:

  • Incorrect reference cell: The OFFSET function uses a reference cell as its starting point. The function will return an error if the reference cell is incorrect or invalid.
  • Incorrect row or column offset: The OFFSET function requires you to specify how many rows and columns away from the reference cell you want to move. The function will return the wrong cell or range if these values are incorrect.
  • Going beyond the spreadsheet’s limits: If the specified row or column offset takes you beyond the limits of the spreadsheet, the OFFSET function will return an error.
  • Using non-integer values for row or column offset: The OFFSET function requires the row and column offset values to be integers. If you use non-integer values, the function will return an error. Always use integer values for these parameters.
  • Ignoring the height and width parameters: The OFFSET function allows you to specify a height and width for the returned range. The function may return an unexpected range if these values are ignored or incorrectly specified.

Why Is OFFSET Not Working? Troubleshooting Common Errors

If you’re finding that OFFSET is not working in your Google Sheets, there could be a number of errors causing this problem. In this section, we’ll delve into some of the most common issues you might encounter, why they occur, and how to fix them.

#REF! Error

Cause: This error usually pops up when the OFFSET function references a cell that is not within the sheet’s boundaries. If you’re trying to reference a cell that doesn’t exist (for instance, a cell with a row number less than 1 or a column number less than 1), Google Sheets will return a #REF! error.

Solution: To resolve this, check the formula to ensure that all referenced cells are within the correct boundaries of your sheet. Adjust the row or column numbers in your OFFSET function as necessary.

#VALUE! Error

Cause: The #VALUE! error typically occurs when the OFFSET function encounters non-numerical values in the arguments that expect numbers. This can happen if your OFFSET function’s height or width arguments are non-numerical or if the rows or columns are non-integers.

Solution: To fix this error, ensure all height, width, row, and column arguments in your OFFSET function are valid numbers. If there are any non-numerical values, replace them with the correct numerical values.

#NAME? Error

Cause: This error is returned when Google Sheets doesn’t recognize the text in a formula. For example, if you misspell OFFSET as OFFSEET, Google Sheets will return a #NAME? error.

Solution: Double-check your formula to ensure all function names are spelled correctly. If there are any typos or misspellings, correct them for the function to work properly.

Circular Dependency Detected

Cause: This error occurs when a formula refers back to its own cell either directly or indirectly. For example, if you’re using the OFFSET function in cell A1, and your formula refers back to cell A1, Google Sheets will return a Circular Dependency Detected error.

Solution: To fix this, ensure that your formulas do not refer back to their own cells. Adjust your formula accordingly to avoid any circular references.

Using OFFSET With Other Google Sheets Functions

Combining the OFFSET function with other Google Sheets functions can allow you to perform even more complex data manipulations and calculations. Here are some examples of how you can use the OFFSET function in tandem with other Google Sheets functions.


Usage: The OFFSET function can be combined with the AVERAGE function to calculate the average of a specified range.

Example: If you want to find the average of the 3 cells starting from B2, you could use the formula “=AVERAGE(OFFSET(B2,0,0,3,1))”. The OFFSET function, in this case, returns the range B2:B4, and the AVERAGE function calculates the average of these cells.


Usage: OFFSET can be used with the INDEX function to return a cell value based on its relative position from a reference cell.

Example: If you want to return the cell value 3 rows down and 2 columns to the right from cell D4, you could use the formula “=INDEX(OFFSET(D4,3,2))”. The OFFSET function returns the cell reference F7, and the INDEX function returns the value in this cell.


Usage: You can use the OFFSET function with the VLOOKUP function to return a cell value based on a lookup value and a dynamic column index.

Example: Suppose you have a table of sales data in A2:E10, and you want to return the sales figure for a specific product and month (where the month is a variable). If the product name is in cell G1 and the month number (1-4) is in cell H1, you could use the formula “=VLOOKUP(G1,A2:E10,1+OFFSET(A1,0,H1),FALSE)”.

The OFFSET function returns a dynamic column index based on the month number, and the VLOOKUP function finds the sales figure for the specified product and month.

For more details on the OFFSET function, check out the official documentation at the Google Docs Editors Help Center.

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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith is automation consultant with a passion for technology, data, AI, and machine learning.

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