SPARKLINE Function in☝️ Google Sheets Explained (Definition, Syntax, How to Use It, Examples)

This guide covers everything you need to know about the Google Sheets SPARKLINE function, including its definition, syntax, use cases, and how to use it.

What is the SPARKLINE Function? How Does It Work?

The SPARKLINE function in Google Sheets returns a mini chart contained within a single cell, allowing for a visual representation of data without creating a full-sized graph. It works by taking a range or array of data you want to plot and turning it into a line, column, bar, or win-loss chart, depending on your needs.

For each type of chart, there are different customization options.

  • For a line graph, you can set the minimum and maximum values along the horizontal and vertical axes, choose the color of the line, and decide how to treat empty cells or cells with non-numeric data.
  • For column and win-loss sparklines, you can set the color of the chart columns, determine if an axis needs to be drawn, and set the custom minimum and maximum data value for scaling the height of the columns.
  • For bar charts, you can set the maximum value along the horizontal axis and choose the colors used for bars in the chart.

One of the most interesting features of the SPARKLINE function is that it allows you to make the chart render from right to left. This is particularly useful if your data is in a language that is read from right to left, such as Arabic or Hebrew.


The syntax and arguments for the function are as follows:

SPARKLINE(data, [options])

  • data: This is the range or array containing the data to plot. It refers to the values that you wish to create a sparkline for.
  • options: This is optional. It is a range or array of optional settings and associated values used to customize the chart. If referencing a range, options should be two cells wide where the first cell is the option and the second cell is the value that option is set to.

For example, the “charttype” option defines the type of chart to plot. The possible options include:

  • “line” for a line graph (the default)
  • “bar” for a stacked bar chart
  • “column” for a column chart
  • “winloss” for a special type of column chart that plots 2 possible outcomes: positive and negative.

There are numerous other options that can be used to customize your chart depending on the chart type. These include options to set the maximum and minimum values, the color of the line or bars, how to treat empty cells or non-numeric data, whether the chart is rendered right to left, and the thickness of the line in a line chart.

Usage notes related to syntax and arguments:

  • Colors can be written using their names (e.g., “green”) or as a hex code (e.g., “#3D3D3D”).
  • To modify the color of a line chart, change the font color of the cell. This is unique to line charts and does not apply to other chart types.
  • The “charttype” option needs to be specified if you want a chart type other than a line graph, which is the default.
  • The “empty” and “nan” options allow you to control how the SPARKLINE function handles empty cells or cells with non-numeric data. “zero” will treat these cells as zero, while “ignore” will simply ignore these cells.
  • The “rtl” option allows you to control whether the chart is rendered right to left. This is particularly useful for languages that are read from right to left.

Examples of How to Use the SPARKLINE Function

Here are some practical examples on how to use the SPARKLINE function in Google Sheets.

Example #1: Creating a Sparkine Line Chart

Let’s say we have a series of monthly sales data from January to December in cells A1 to A12. We can create a simple line chart to visualize this data using the SPARKLINE function.

In cell B1, enter the following formula:


This will create a simple line chart in cell B1 that represents the sales data from A1 to A12.

Example #2: Creating a Sparkline Bar Chart

Suppose we want to create a bar chart instead of a line chart. In this case, we can use the SPARKLINE function with the “charttype” option set to “bar”.

If we have the same sales data in cells A1 to A12, we can create a bar chart in cell B1 using the following formula:

=SPARKLINE(A1:A12, {“charttype”,”bar”})

This will create a bar chart in cell B1 that represents the sales data from A1 to A12.

Example #3: Creating a Sparkline Column Chart

Similarly, we can create a column chart using the SPARKLINE function. For this, we need to set the “charttype” option to “column”.

With the same sales data in cells A1 to A12, we can create a column chart in cell B1 using the following formula:

=SPARKLINE(A1:A12, {“charttype”,”column”})

This will create a column chart in cell B1 that represents the sales data from A1 to A12.

Example #4: Creating a Win-Loss Chart

A win-loss chart can be useful to visualize wins and losses in a game or competition. If we have a series of results in cells A1 to A12, where positive numbers represent wins and negative numbers represent losses, we can create a win/loss chart using the SPARKLINE function.

In cell B1, enter the following formula:

=SPARKLINE(A1:A12, {“charttype”,”winloss”})

This will create a win/loss chart in cell B1 that represents the results from A1 to A12. The bars going up represent wins, and the bars going down represent losses.

Example #5: Changing the Color of the Chart

We can also customize the color of the chart using the SPARKLINE function.

If we want to create a line chart with the sales data from A1 to A12 and want the line to be red, we can use the following formula:

=SPARKLINE(A1:A12, {“color”, “red”})

This will create a line chart in cell B1 with a red line that represents the sales data from A1 to A12.

Why Is SPARKLINE Not Working? Troubleshooting Common Errors

If you encounter issues when using the SPARKLINE function in Google Sheets, don’t panic. There are common errors that users often stumble upon and these can typically be resolved with a bit of troubleshooting. Here are some of the most common issues, their causes, and how to solve them:

#N/A Error

Cause: This error typically occurs when your data range is incorrect or invalid. It might be happening because the cells you’re referencing in your SPARKLINE function don’t contain any data, or the data is not formatted correctly for a SPARKLINE chart.

Solution: Double-check the range you’re referencing in your SPARKLINE function. Ensure that the cells contain data and that it is formatted correctly. For example, if you’re trying to create a line chart, make sure your data set includes numbers, not text.

#REF! Error

Cause: The #REF! error usually appears when the range referenced in the SPARKLINE formula has been deleted or moved.

Solution: To resolve this issue, update the range in your SPARKLINE function to reflect the current location of your data. If the data has been deleted, you will need to either restore it or reference a new data set.

#VALUE! Error

Cause: This error typically appears when the SPARKLINE function doesn’t understand the input value. This can happen if you’re using the wrong type of data (like text in place of numerical data), using incorrect syntax, or missing a required element in the SPARKLINE syntax.

Solution: Check your SPARKLINE function for any syntax errors. Make sure you’re using the correct data types in your function and that all required elements are included in the syntax.

#ERROR! Error

Cause: This error is a general catch-all that Google Sheets uses when it doesn’t know how to define the problem. This can happen if the data range is incorrect, if the SPARKLINE syntax is wrong, or if there’s an issue with the data itself.

Solution: This error requires a bit more troubleshooting. Start by checking your data range and SPARKLINE syntax. If those seem correct, check the data itself for any potential issues. If all else fails, try recreating the SPARKLINE in a new cell to see if the error persists.

SPARKLINE Doesn’t Display Anything

Cause: This issue can happen if the SPARKLINE function is correct and doesn’t return any errors, but the chart itself doesn’t appear in the cell.

Solution: This could be due to cell formatting. Try changing the cell format to “Automatic” to see if the SPARKLINE appears. If that doesn’t work, double-check your SPARKLINE function and data for any potential issues.

Using SPARKLINE With Other Google Sheets Functions

Combining SPARKLINE with other Google Sheets functions can provide you with a more comprehensive data analysis. You can integrate SPARKLINE with functions like AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, and GOOGLEFINANCE to create dynamic and informative graphs inside your cells.


Usage: You can use the SPARKLINE function with the AVERAGE function to display the average of a range of values as a single point in the graph.

Example: Let’s say you have data in cells A1 to A10 and you want to show the average of these values in a sparkline. You can use the formula: =SPARKLINE(AVERAGE(A1:A10))

With MAX

Usage: The MAX function can be used with SPARKLINE to highlight the maximum value in a data range.

Example: If you have a range of values in cells B1 to B10 and you want to display a sparkline that highlights the maximum value, you can use the formula: =SPARKLINE(MAX(B1:B10))

With MIN

Usage: The MIN function can be used with SPARKLINE to highlight the minimum value in a data range.

Example: If you have a range of values in cells C1 to C10 and you want to display a sparkline that highlights the minimum value, you can use the formula: =SPARKLINE(MIN(C1:C10))


Usage: You can combine SPARKLINE with GOOGLEFINANCE function to graphically represent financial data.

Example: If you want to display a sparkline of the last 30 days’ closing price of a specific stock, you can use the formula: =SPARKLINE(GOOGLEFINANCE(“GOOG”, “close”, TODAY()-30, TODAY()))

This formula will create a sparkline that shows the closing prices of Google’s stock for the past 30 days.

For more details on the SPARKLINE function, check out the official documentation at the Google Docs Editors Help Center.

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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith is automation consultant with a passion for technology, data, AI, and machine learning.

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