How to☝️ Total a Column in Google Sheets

To sum the values of columns in Google Sheets, click on the cell where you want the sum to show, go to the Formula bar, enter the formula =A:A+B:B, where A:A and B:B are the column ranges, and press Enter

In this article, we will learn how to sum columns in Google Sheets with minimal effort! Check out our step-by-step guide below to learn how to do it.

Method 1: Using Cell References

This method enables you to calculate the values in columns in seconds. You can use this when you have a large amount of data and need to find totals quickly. 

Difficulty: Beginner

Time Estimate: 5 seconds

1. Select the cell where you want to display the result (C1).

2. Go to the Formula bar and type the formula =A:A+B:B, where A:A and B:B are the column ranges you are adding together.

3. Hit the Enter key on your keyboard.

With this formula, you will get the result of adding the value in column A for that row to column B for that row. So if you put the formula in C1, you will get the result of A1+B1. If you put the formula in cell C2, you will get the result of A2+B2, and so on. You can copy the formula into the rest of the C column to get all the results, as shown below.

The Data

It’s that simple! Let’s move on to the next one.

Method 2: Using the SUM Function

The second method uses a built-in function in Google Sheets that allows you to quickly sum up the columns. Let’s see how it works.

Difficulty: Beginner

Time Estimate: 5 seconds

Formula 1

1. Click on the cell where you want the total value (C1).

2. Navigate to the Formula bar and enter the formula =SUM(A1:B5), where A1:B5 is the cell range.

3. Press Enter.

This method adds all the values of the selected cells together—in this case, A1:B5.


Formula 2

1. Select the cell where you want your result (C1).

2. In the Formula bar, type the formula =SUM(A:A, B:B), where A:A and B:B are the column ranges.

3. Tap the Enter key.

Voila! All values in both columns have been added together.


Columns in Google Sheets FAQs

In order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of this topic, we recommend reviewing the FAQs listed below.

How do I sum cells with numbers and text in a column in Google Sheets?

To sum the value of cells with numbers and text in a column, select the cell where you want the result, navigate to the Formula bar, enter the formula =SUM(ArrayFormula(Value(regexextract(A1:A5, “[0-9]+”)))) where A1:A5 is the column range, and hit Enter.

Is there a limit to columns in Google Sheets?

Each worksheet in Google Sheets is limited to 2 million cells. This means that each worksheet can have a maximum of 16,384 columns.

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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith is automation consultant with a passion for technology, data, AI, and machine learning.

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