How to☝️ Turn Off AutoCorrect in Excel

AutoCorrect in Excel example

The AutoCorrect feature is a pretty useful tool that can help you fix some typos or capitalization errors that inevitably occur in the process of working with Excel spreadsheets.

However, it can turn your user experience into a nightmare if you often face the necessity to type the words that are considered wrong by the system. In this case, you may want to get rid of this function at all.

This guide will teach you how to easily turn off AutoCorrect in Excel.

How to Find the AutoCorrect Settings

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater: probably you still need to use at least some of the AutoCorrect options.

In order to understand what may or may not come in handy, we should analyze the capabilities of Excel AutoCorrect. But first, let’s see where to find the settings.

1. Click the File tab.

Click the File tab

2. Click “More…”

3. Select “Options” from the sidebar on the left.

Click "More…" and select "Options"

Useful note: alternatively, you can press the “Alt + F + T” shortcut.

4. In the Excel Options dialog box that appears, select the Proofing tab.

5. Click the button “AutoCorrect Options…”

Excel options proofing tab

6. You will see the AutoCorrect: English (United States) dialog box where you can change the AutoCorrect options you want and don’t want to be applied to your default language.

7. Don’t forget to click “OK” to save the changes.

Excel AutoCorrect dialog box

Read: How to Remove Dashes in Excel

How to Customize Your AutoCorrect Settings

All AutoCorrect settings are turned on by default. Their goal is to fix the most common errors that can take place in the process of interacting with Excel. 

Let’s briefly cover each of them in greater detail.

Show AutoCorrect Options Buttons

This controls the display of the AutoCorrect Options button, which can help review each autocorrection in your document. 

That’s how it looks in MS Word:

AutoCorrect Options button in Word

Correct TWo INitial CApitals

If this option is enabled, it changes the second capitalized character to a lowercase letter.

Correct two initial capitals

Capitalize first letter of sentences

This option checks if the first letter of the word after a period is capitalized. If not, it will be converted to an uppercase character.

Capitalize first letter of sentences

Capitalize names of days

Pretty self-explanatory – if you haven’t capitalized the name of a certain day, this option will do it for you.

Capitalize names of days

Correct accidental use of cAPS LOCK key

This setting fixes any word with the first character typed in lowercase while having the rest of the word capitalized.

Correct accidental use of Caps Lock key

Replace text as you type

This function is the first one that comes to your mind when you think about AutoCorrect in Excel. It works by identifying misspelled words and automatically correcting them.

Additionally, it also includes shortcodes for some symbols.

Shortcodes for symbols in Excel

The problem is that Excel can correct only a limited number of words that are prefilled in the system, and that’s why this option definitely cannot be treated as a saving grace.

How to Disable AutoCorrect for Certain Words

Let’s say you don’t want to turn AutoCorrect off completely, but you need some words that Excel may normally treat as misspelled to remain as they are. For example, you think that the word “begining” has the right to exist.

7. Find the word “begining” in the “Replace text as you type” checkbox and select it.

8. Click “Delete”.9. Click “OK” to save the changes.

Disable AutoCorrect for the word in Excel

Well done! Now you know how to make AutoCorrect in Excel serve your needs instead of causing frustration.

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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith is automation consultant with a passion for technology, data, AI, and machine learning.

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