LEN Function in☝️ Google Sheets Explained (Definition, Syntax, How to Use It, Examples)

This guide covers everything you need to know about the Google Sheets LEN function, including its definition, syntax, use cases, and how to use it.

What is the LEN Function? How Does It Work?

The LEN function in Google Sheets calculates the number of characters in a given string, including spaces and non-printing characters.

Simply put, you provide a string to the LEN function, and it counts each character within it to give you a total. This can be a word, sentence, or even longer text.

This function is versatile. You can use it to count characters in a cell, verify if a text meets specific length criteria, or pinpoint inconsistencies in your data. For instance, using LEN on the text “Hello World” will return 11 because it counts all characters, including the space. On the other hand, with “12345”, LEN will yield 5.

Remember, since LEN counts spaces and non-visible characters, you might want to check for any unintentional characters in your text if you get unexpected results.

LEN Syntax

The syntax and arguments for the function are as follows:


The argument for the LEN function is:

  • text: This is the string whose length you want to be returned. It can be a direct string enclosed in quotation marks or a reference to a cell containing a string.

Usage notes related to the syntax and arguments include:

  • The LEN function counts all characters in the string, including spaces and nonprinting characters. For instance, if you have a string “Hello World”, LEN will return 11, not 10, as it counts the space between the two words as a character.
  • If the LEN function returns unexpected values, it can be due to the presence of spaces or nonprinting characters in the text. Clean your data and remove such characters if they are not intended to be counted.
  • The text argument can be a direct string or a reference to a cell. For instance, you can either use LEN(“lorem ipsum”) or LEN(A2), where A2 refers to a cell containing the string.
  • If the text argument is left blank, LEN will return 0, as there are no characters to count. For example, LEN(“”) will return 0.
  • The LEN function in Google Sheets is case-sensitive. It counts lowercase and uppercase letters as separate characters.
  • The LEN function does not count the characters in a numeric value the same way it does in a string. For instance, LEN(12345) will return 5, but LEN(“12345”) will return 5 as well.

Examples of How to Use the LEN Function

Here are some practical examples of how to use the LEN function in Google Sheets:

Example #1: Basic Use of LEN Function

Let’s start with a simple example. If you have the text “Hello World”, you can use the LEN function to find out how many characters there are in this string. The function would look like this:

=LEN(“Hello World”)

The function will return 11. This includes the 10 letters in “Hello World” and the space between the two words.

Example #2: Counting the Number of Characters in a Number

You can also use the LEN function to count the number of digits in a number. For instance, with the number 12345, you can use the LEN function as follows:


The function will return 5, which is the number of digits in 12345.

Example #3: Using LEN to Count Specific Characters

You can use the LEN function in combination with the SUBSTITUTE function to count the number of specific characters in a string. For example, if you want to know how many times the letter ‘a’ appears in the string “banana”, you can use the following formula:


The function will subtract the length of the text without the specified character (‘a’ in this case) from the length of the original text and return 3.

Why Is LEN Not Working? Troubleshooting Common Errors

If you’re using the LEN function in Google Sheets and encountering issues, it could be due to a range of common errors. Troubleshooting these errors involves understanding their causes and finding the appropriate solutions.

#VALUE! Error

Cause: This error usually occurs when the LEN function is used with a range of cells instead of a single cell. The LEN function is designed to count the number of characters in one cell, not multiple cells.

Solution: To fix this, ensure you use the LEN function with a single cell. You can use an array formula to use the LEN function with a range of cells. For example, instead of using =LEN(A1:A3), use =ARRAYFORMULA(LEN(A1:A3)).

#N/A Error

Cause: This error typically happens when the LEN function is used on a cell that contains a formula returning a non-string value. Since the LEN function is designed to count the number of characters in a string, it cannot handle non-string values.

Solution: Make sure that the cell you’re applying the LEN function to contains a string. If the cell contains a formula, ensure that this formula returns a string value.

#REF! Error

Cause: This error occurs when the LEN function references a cell that does not exist or has been deleted.

Solution: To fix this error, ensure the cell you’re referencing in the LEN formula still exists. If it has been deleted, you’ll need to either recreate the cell or adjust your formula to reference a different cell.

#DIV/0! Error

Cause: This error generally happens when a cell referenced by the LEN function contains a formula that is attempting to divide by zero.

Solution: Check the formula in the cell you’re referencing. If it’s attempting to divide by zero, you’ll need to adjust the formula to avoid this mathematical error.

#NAME? Error

Cause: This issue usually arises when Google Sheets doesn’t recognize the text in the formula. This could be because the LEN function has been misspelled or used incorrectly in the formula.

Solution: Ensure you’ve spelled the LEN function correctly and used the proper syntax. The correct syntax is =LEN(text), where “text” is the cell in which you want to count the characters.

#NULL! Error

Cause: This error happens when you’re using a range operator incorrectly.

Solution: The LEN function doesn’t require a range operator, so make sure you’re not using one. If you want to apply the LEN function to multiple cells, use an array formula.

Using LEN With Other Google Sheets Functions

Combining the LEN function with other Google Sheets functions can greatly enhance data manipulation and analysis capabilities. Here are examples of how LEN can be used with other functions:

With CONCATENATE function

Usage: The CONCATENATE function joins two or more text strings into one text string. When combined with LEN, it can count the length of the concatenated string.

Example: Suppose we have the text “Hello” in cell A1 and “World” in cell B1. We can join these two strings and then count the length of the resulting string using the formula =LEN(CONCATENATE(A1,” “,B1)). The result would be 11, including the space between the two words.


Usage: The TRIM function removes extra spaces from a text string. When combined with LEN, it can count the length of the string after removing the extra spaces.

Example: If we have the text ”
” in cell A1, we can use the formula =LEN(TRIM(A1)) to count the length of the string after removing the extra spaces. The result would be 11.


Usage: The SUBSTITUTE function replaces existing text with new text in a string. When combined with LEN, it can be used to count the length of the string after the substitution.

Example: If we have the text “Hello World” in cell A1 and we want to replace “World” with “Universe”, we can use the formula =LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,”World”,”Universe”)). The result would be 14.

For more details on the LEN function, check out the official documentation at the Google Docs Editors Help Center.

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Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith is automation consultant with a passion for technology, data, AI, and machine learning.